three dimensional tagcloud visua

Three Dimensional Tagcloud visualization for tourism

Three Dimensional Tagcloud visualization for tourism

Metadata creation along with growth of social bookmarking emerged an approach named tagging. Often people look for location along with its route and detailed information about its surrounding. Mobile users may opt for current event that is taking place in the current location along with historical background of their surroundings and events that happen over time. They are provided with information on spatial context of location which harvests context information from freely available source and tag cloud visualization is created for this data. Firstly, Geo-referenced data which is close to selected point is gathered. Then gathered information is filtered based on the frequency of words from harvested data. Filtered data is then visualized as tag cloud in R shiny.

Implementation Details:

User Query is passed to google api

Google results are retrieved and stored as data.csv file

data.csv file is visualized as tag cloud

R- Rshiny Demo



Three Dimensional Tagcloud visualization for tourism
rainfall prediction using lasso

Rainfall Prediction using Lasso and Decision Tree alogrithm on Python

Rainfall Prediction Implementation Details:
We are taking dataset

X Train & Test is from ID to Oct-Dec (NOT ANNUAL Column)
Y Train & Test is the Annual column

We are taking dataset and Analysing dataset & plotted all graphs.

Using Train set of X & Y

we are applying ML algorithm Lasso and Decision Tree

For X testset, we are arriving results and stored as resultLasso & resultDecisionTree


Python Demo


Rainfall prediction using Lasso and Decision Tree alogrithm on Python
students result prediction using

Students Result Prediction using Rshiny and MySQL

Students Result prediction using R and RShiny & MySQL
1. Importing dataset from csv file to MySQL database
2. Open Input form in RShiny and Give record input
3. This input is stored as test.csv file also
4. Naive Bayes Algorithm and Logistic regression are implemented to predict value
5. Accuracy and other plots are arrived

R Demo

Three Dimensional Tagcloud visualization for tourism
k means cluster algorithm for he

k means++ Cluster algorithm for Heart Disease prediction

k means++ Cluster algorithm for Heart Disease prediction

Implementation Details:

Heart Disease Prediction using K-Means and K-means++ clustering and Logistics Regression

1. We are taken dataset data.csv

2. Input data.csv is split into three cluster by K-means algorithm taking centroid automatically. Whereas k-means++ arrives centroid with distance

Cluster 0, Cluster1, Cluster2

3. Every cluster data is taken for getting trainset and test set

Trainset contains 14 columns, whereas testset contains 13 column

4. Every cluster testset is predicted for heart disease

Accuracy is arrived
5. Logistics regression is performed and accuracy arrived

Python demo


k means++ Cluster algorithm for Heart Disease prediction
personality prediction in tweets

Personality Prediction in Tweets


Implementation Details:
-1. Twitter data is collected for topic “apple” and stored as twitter.json file. The data will be added in the same file for execution of

2. Collected tweets from json file is extracted stored as tweet.csv
data extracted from each tweet are


More 1000 tweets are collected

3. Naive Bayes and Logistics regression are applied, Plots are arrived
For the taken dataset, x-train and x-test and y-train & y-test are arrived.
from which te error is calculated for both technique

4. tweet.csv is taken as input and person.csv is extracted

This is the collection of unique autor and his total tweets, with positive and negative counts, and polarity aggregation. From which personality is arrived.


Python Demo


Personality prediction in tweets
twitter sentiment analysis using

Twitter sentiment analysis using five machine learning techniques

Twitter Sentiment Analysis using 5 Machine learning Techniques

Implementation Details:
1. Twitter data is collected for topic “apple” and stored as twitter.json file. The data will be added in the same file for execution of

2. Collected tweets from json file is extracted stored as tweet.csv
data extracted from each tweet are


More 1000 tweets are collected

3. 5 machine learning techniques were applied

1.Naive Bayes
2.Logistics regression
3.SVM technique
4.Random forest and
5.K-means Clustering

Plots are arrived
For the taken dataset, x-train and x-test and y-train & y-test are arrived.

from which te error rate is calculated for all techniques

4. Accuracy for all techniques is arrived and plotted.

Python Demo


Twitter sentiment analysis using five machine learning techniques