Skin Disease Detection using deep learning

Skin Disease Detection using deep learning

Skin disease / lesion detection through artificial intelligence is the growing area of study. In this work, Skin disease is identified by deep learning algorithm. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was used to train.

This work has implemented with 3 different pre-trained algorithms models and compared their performance.

  1. Alexnet
  2. VGG-16
  3. ResNet-18

Below figure shows the UML diagram of Skin disease detection project using CNN algorithm

Skin Disease Detection

The performance shows that Alexnet and ResNet was giving good accuracy more than 90%. The demo video of the project is given below.

Skin Disease detection using Deep learning | ieee project demo

As like skin disease various disease can be classified with deep learning, some of the are listed with corresponding links below

Liver Disease detection using Machine learning

Breast cancer prediction source code download

Diabetes detection through machine learning Project

Lung cancer detection and classification project in python

P2P Transaction in Blockchain – Python Implementation

P2P Transaction in Blockchain – Python Implementation

Blockchain is one of growing research area and used in various applications including Bitcoin and more banking applications. In this work, blockchain of Peer to peer node is considered. The security key handled is using SHA algorithm for hash code generation.

Below is the working model of Blockchain in Peer to Peer network

P2P Transaction in Blockchain – Python Implementation | ieee project demo
Fruit Quality Assessment using Artificial Intelligence

Fruit Quality Assessment using Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Agricultural and food packaging industry is growing nowadays. Fruit quality detection using machine learning is more easier for packaging business. As the demand for food increasing with growing population, fast detection of fruit quality is needed. The is handled binary classification “healthy” and “damaged”.

Image features are extracted from images of healthy and damaged fruit dataset are trained with Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. Demo of the working model is show in below link. Source code of the project implementation in python

Fruit Quality Assessment using Artificial Intelligence | ieee project demo

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