admin Oct, Fri, 2024 EXAM ANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 30 You will be required to answer a total of 30 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! ANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM Test your ANGULAR JS skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 30 1) What is the role of ng-bind-html directive in AngularJS? A) To compile and execute embedded scripts B) To bind plain text without sanitization C) To bind sanitized HTML content to the view D) To handle HTML attributes binding 2 / 30 2) How do you implement conditional logic within ng-repeat in AngularJS? A) By using ng-if within ng-repeat or filtering the data array B) By embedding conditional statements in the controller C) By using multiple ng-repeat directives D) By using ng-show exclusively 3 / 30 3) How can you implement custom sorting logic in AngularJS orderBy filter within ng-repeat directives? A) By using multiple ng-repeat directives B) By using ng-if to sort items C) By providing a custom comparator function to the orderBy filter D) By embedding sort logic in the controller 4 / 30 4) How do you create a decorator for an existing service in AngularJS? A) Using module.directive() B) Using module.service() C) Using module.decorator('serviceName', function() { … }) D) Using module.factory() 5 / 30 5) How do you implement a fallback template in AngularJS directives when an external template fails to load? A) By using ng-switch to select templates B) By providing a fallback within the templateUrl function C) By handling errors in the controller D) By using ng-if to switch templates 6 / 30 6) What is the role of $routeProvider in AngularJS? A) To handle form submissions exclusively B) To manipulate the DOM directly C) To manage only service routing D) To configure routes and their corresponding templates 7 / 30 7) How can you create a reusable form validation component in AngularJS? A) Using custom directives for validation B) Using built-in validation directives only C) Using controller functions for validation D) Using services to manage validation logic 8 / 30 8) What is the purpose of $rootScope in AngularJS applications? A) To isolate data for specific controllers B) To manage HTTP requests globally C) To provide a shared context for all scopes D) To bind data directly to the DOM 9 / 30 9) How can you implement pagination in AngularJS applications? A) By using only built-in pagination features B) By managing pagination exclusively in services C) By creating a custom directive for pagination D) By hardcoding pagination logic in the view 10 / 30 10) What is the use of $interpolateProvider in AngularJS, and how can it be utilized to avoid conflicts with other templating engines? A) To change the default interpolation delimiters to avoid conflicts B) To handle HTTP interpolation C) To compile secure templates D) To manage template caching 11 / 30 11) How can you implement a custom component with isolated scope in AngularJS? A) By hardcoding component logic in controllers B) By managing components exclusively in services C) By defining a component with an isolated scope D) By using only built-in component features 12 / 30 12) How do you create a service that communicates with a REST API in AngularJS? A) By using only built-in API features B) By managing API calls exclusively in directives C) By using $http service for CRUD operations D) By hardcoding all API logic in controllers 13 / 30 13) What is the purpose of $http.get() in AngularJS? A) To manage only static data submissions B) To make a GET request to retrieve data C) To manipulate the DOM directly D) To send data to the server 14 / 30 14) How can you create a reusable component in AngularJS? A) By hardcoding component logic in controllers B) By using only built-in components C) By defining a directive with an isolated scope D) By managing components exclusively in services 15 / 30 15) How can you implement custom error handling in AngularJS applications using interceptors? A) By hardcoding error messages in views B) By using HTTP interceptors for centralized error management C) By using only built-in error features D) By handling errors only in controllers 16 / 30 16) What is the significance of using ng-model in AngularJS forms, and how does it facilitate two-way data binding? A) To bind form inputs to the model for two-way data binding B) To manage only input validation C) To define form layout and styling D) To handle HTTP requests for form data 17 / 30 17) How do you implement custom animations for directive lifecycle events in AngularJS using ngAnimate? A) By using inline styles for animations B) By defining CSS classes for lifecycle events and using ngAnimate C) By embedding animations in the controller D) By using JavaScript-based animations only 18 / 30 18) What is the purpose of ng-repeat in AngularJS, and how can it be optimized? A) To manipulate the DOM directly B) To handle form submissions exclusively C) To render lists of items efficiently D) To manage only single elements 19 / 30 19) What is the purpose of $templateCache in AngularJS, and how does it improve performance? A) To manage controller data B) To cache HTML templates and reduce HTTP requests C) To store scope variables D) To handle form inputs 20 / 30 20) What is the purpose of $scope.$apply() in AngularJS, and when should it be used? A) To compile templates B) To directly manipulate the DOM C) To manage route changes D) To execute an expression and trigger a digest cycle 21 / 30 21) What is the difference between ng-if and ng-show in AngularJS? A) ng-if removes/adds, ng-show toggles visibility B) Both remove/add elements C) Both toggle visibility D) ng-if toggles visibility, ng-show removes 22 / 30 22) What is the significance of ng-model-options in AngularJS? A) To configure how ng-model behaves B) To manage only static inputs C) To manipulate the DOM directly D) To handle form submissions exclusively 23 / 30 23) What is the role of $on method in AngularJS scopes? A) To bind data to the scope B) To emit events C) To listen for and handle events emitted or broadcasted on a scope D) To broadcast events 24 / 30 24) What is the purpose of ng-version directive in AngularJS? A) To initialize version-specific features B) To bind version data to the view C) To check for AngularJS updates D) To display AngularJS version 25 / 30 25) What is the role of $scope.$on(‘$destroy’) in AngularJS, and why is it important for memory management? A) To clean up resources and prevent memory leaks when a scope is destroyed B) To initialize scope variables C) To handle HTTP request completions D) To compile templates 26 / 30 26) How can you use $filter to format data in AngularJS? A) By managing formatting exclusively in services B) By using only built-in formatting features C) By hardcoding formatting logic in controllers D) By using $filter in templates to format data 27 / 30 27) What is the role of $interpolateProvider in AngularJS? A) To handle HTTP interpolation B) To configure interpolation symbols C) To manage template caching D) To define custom directives 28 / 30 28) How can you implement dynamic template loading based on user interactions in AngularJS directives? A) By embedding multiple templates and toggling visibility B) By using templateUrl as a function that returns templates based on interactions C) By using $compile to load templates dynamically D) By using ng-if to switch templates 29 / 30 29) How do you implement internationalization (i18n) beyond basic localization in AngularJS? A) Using libraries like angular-translate with advanced features B) Using separate modules for each language C) Using the built-in $locale service only D) Using custom directives for each language 30 / 30 30) How can you implement server-side filtering of data in AngularJS applications using ng-repeat? A) By using ng-filter exclusively B) By sending filter criteria to the server and updating the data based on the response C) By embedding filter logic in directives D) By using ng-if to conditionally display data Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More 14Share on WhatsApp10Share on LinkedIn5Share on YouTube9Share on Facebook Comments 0