

Exam Instructions:

Total Number of Questions: 30
You will be required to answer a total of 30 multiple-choice questions.

Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam
Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit.

Passing Criteria:
A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam

Multiple Attempts:
You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification.

Additional Instructions:

The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins.

Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score!



Test your ANGULAR JS skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms

The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly.

1 / 30

1) What is the role of ng-bind-html directive in AngularJS?

2 / 30

2) How do you implement conditional logic within ng-repeat in AngularJS?

3 / 30

3) How can you implement custom sorting logic in AngularJS orderBy filter within ng-repeat directives?

4 / 30

4) How do you create a decorator for an existing service in AngularJS?

5 / 30

5) How do you implement a fallback template in AngularJS directives when an external template fails to load?

6 / 30

6) What is the role of $routeProvider in AngularJS?

7 / 30

7) How can you create a reusable form validation component in AngularJS?

8 / 30

8) What is the purpose of $rootScope in AngularJS applications?

9 / 30

9) How can you implement pagination in AngularJS applications?

10 / 30

10) What is the use of $interpolateProvider in AngularJS, and how can it be utilized to avoid conflicts with other templating engines?

11 / 30

11) How can you implement a custom component with isolated scope in AngularJS?

12 / 30

12) How do you create a service that communicates with a REST API in AngularJS?

13 / 30

13) What is the purpose of $http.get() in AngularJS?

14 / 30

14) How can you create a reusable component in AngularJS?

15 / 30

15) How can you implement custom error handling in AngularJS applications using interceptors?

16 / 30

16) What is the significance of using ng-model in AngularJS forms, and how does it facilitate two-way data binding?

17 / 30

17) How do you implement custom animations for directive lifecycle events in AngularJS using ngAnimate?

18 / 30

18) What is the purpose of ng-repeat in AngularJS, and how can it be optimized?

19 / 30

19) What is the purpose of $templateCache in AngularJS, and how does it improve performance?

20 / 30

20) What is the purpose of $scope.$apply() in AngularJS, and when should it be used?

21 / 30

21) What is the difference between ng-if and ng-show in AngularJS?

22 / 30

22) What is the significance of ng-model-options in AngularJS?

23 / 30

23) What is the role of $on method in AngularJS scopes?

24 / 30

24) What is the purpose of ng-version directive in AngularJS?

25 / 30

25) What is the role of $scope.$on(‘$destroy’) in AngularJS, and why is it important for memory management?

26 / 30

26) How can you use $filter to format data in AngularJS?

27 / 30

27) What is the role of $interpolateProvider in AngularJS?

28 / 30

28) How can you implement dynamic template loading based on user interactions in AngularJS directives?

29 / 30

29) How do you implement internationalization (i18n) beyond basic localization in AngularJS?

30 / 30

30) How can you implement server-side filtering of data in AngularJS applications using ng-repeat?

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