bird species detection using deep learning algorithm

Bird Species Detection using Deep Learning Algorithm

Bird Species Detection using Deep Learning Algorithm with best accuracy

Bird Species Detection using Deep Learning Algorithm with best accuracy has bee achieved using VGG16 CNN model for training and classification. This project is implemented in Python programming. Bird species dataset containing 325 classes of birds are take for this work. The dataset contained train, test and validation data. The detection is bird species has been achieved with good accuracy.

The following screen shows the performance of detection and classification based on test input

Performance of Bird Species Detection and Classification Output

Bird Species Classification accuracy for Training and validation
Bird Species Classification accuracy for Training and validation
Bird Species Detection using Deep Learning Algorithm with best accuracy
Bird Species Detection using Deep learning model

What is the advantages of this project?

In this project, we can identify the bird species for selected birds as shown above. Moreover, in this work, user can choose a bird and classify its species using our trained model.

You can watch the Bird species classification using VGG16 demo video under following

Bird Species Detection using Deep Learning – VGG16 model

Are you interested to check more VGG 16 implementation? some of the project is given below

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