admin Oct, Wed, 2024 EXAM JAVA FULL STACK 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! JAVA FULL STACK Test your JAVA FULL STACK skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) What does @EnableScheduling do in Spring Boot? A) Define application properties B) Handle exceptions C) Enable logging D) Manage user sessions 2 / 45 2) What is the purpose of @Scheduled in Spring Boot? A) Define application properties B) Manage user sessions C) Enable logging D) Handle exceptions 3 / 45 3) How do you enable Spring Security in a Spring Boot application? A) Enable caching B) Define application properties C) Manage user sessions D) Use hard-coded values 4 / 45 4) How can you enable batch processing in Spring Boot? A) Use @BatchEnable B) Use Spring Batch API C) Use Spring Batch API D) Implement BatchConfig 5 / 45 5) How can you access path variables in a Spring Boot REST controller? A) @PathVariable B) @RequestParam C) @PathVariable D) @RequestBody 6 / 45 6) How do you create a custom validation constraint in Spring Boot? A) Implement ConstraintValidator B) Use @CustomValidator C) Implement ConstraintValidator D) Use @EnableValidation 7 / 45 7) What does the @RequestHeader annotation do in Spring Boot? A) Binds headers B) Binds headers C) Binds request body D) Binds request parameters 8 / 45 8) How do you create a Spring Boot RESTful service? A) Enable caching B) Use hard-coded values C) Manage user sessions D) Define application properties 9 / 45 9) What does the @ResponseStatus annotation do? A) Sets response body B) Defines error codes C) Changes response headers D) Defines error codes 10 / 45 10) How do you define a custom error page in Spring Boot? A) Add error.html in templates B) Configure in application.yml C) Use @CustomErrorPage D) Add error.html in templates 11 / 45 11) What is @Value(“${}”) used for? A) Handle exceptions B) Manage user sessions C) Define application properties D) Enable logging 12 / 45 12) How do you configure CORS in a Spring Boot application? A) Define application properties B) Enable caching C) Use hard-coded values D) Manage user sessions 13 / 45 13) What does the @Valid annotation do in Spring Boot? A) Manage exceptions B) Enable logging C) Define data sources D) Define data sources 14 / 45 14) What does the @Transactional annotation indicate in Spring Boot? A) Commits the transaction B) Rolls back on failure C) Ensures atomicity D) All of the above 15 / 45 15) What is the role of @ComponentScan in Spring Boot? A) Configures session management B) Defines data binding C) Enables caching D) Marks methods for caching 16 / 45 16) How can you create a REST client in Spring Boot? A) Use @HttpClient B) Use RestTemplate C) Use @RestClient D) Use RestTemplate 17 / 45 17) How do you cache data in Spring Boot? A) Use @CacheData B) Use @EnableCaching C) Use @EnableCaching D) Use @EnableCacheManagement 18 / 45 18) How do you create a RESTful client in Spring Boot? A) Use RestTemplate B) Use RestTemplate C) Use @HttpClient D) Use @RestClient 19 / 45 19) How do you run a Spring Boot application as a service? A) Create system service file B) Create system service file C) Use spring-boot-service D) Use @RunAsService 20 / 45 20) How can you create a RESTful API using Spring Boot? A) Use @Service B) Implement RESTService C) Use @RestController D) Use @ApiController 21 / 45 21) How do you create a custom starter in Spring Boot? A) Use @EnableCustomStarter B) Create a separate starter module C) Use @CustomStarter D) Create a separate starter module 22 / 45 22) What is Spring Cloud used for? A) Develop front-end applications B) Build microservices C) Build microservices D) Manage databases 23 / 45 23) What is Spring Boot Actuator used for? A) Marks methods for caching B) Enables caching C) Defines data binding D) Configures session management 24 / 45 24) How do you configure a data source in Spring Boot? A) Manage user sessions B) Use hard-coded values C) Handle exceptions D) Enable caching 25 / 45 25) What is the role of the @Configuration annotation? A) Marks methods for caching B) Enables caching C) Defines transaction management D) Configures session management 26 / 45 26) How do you customize error messages in Spring Boot validation? A) Use @CustomValidation B) Set custom message in annotations C) Configure in application.yml D) Set custom message in annotations 27 / 45 27) How can you implement error handling in Spring Boot? A) Handle exceptions B) Use hard-coded values C) Manage user sessions D) Enable caching 28 / 45 28) How do you implement pagination in Spring Data JPA? A) Use PaginationService B) Use List interface C) Implement PageHandler D) Implement PageHandler 29 / 45 29) How can you enable Spring Data JPA repositories? A) @EnableJpaRepositories B) @EnableCaching C) @EnableTransactionManagement D) @EnableJpaRepositories 30 / 45 30) How do you integrate Spring Boot with RabbitMQ for messaging? A) Use @EnableRabbitMQMessaging B) Add Spring AMQP dependency C) Use @RabbitMQMessaging D) Add Spring AMQP dependency 31 / 45 31) What is the purpose of the @JsonIgnore annotation? A) Prevents field serialization B) Configures request handling C) Handles object mapping D) Enables JSON serialization 32 / 45 32) How do you create a custom Spring Boot actuator endpoint? A) Use @CustomEndpoint B) Implement Endpoint interface C) Use @EnableActuatorEndpoint D) Implement Endpoint interface 33 / 45 33) How can you create a RESTful web service in Spring Boot? A) Define application properties B) Use hard-coded values C) Enable caching D) Manage user sessions 34 / 45 34) How can you implement internationalization in a Spring Boot application? A) Manage user sessions B) Enable caching C) Use hard-coded values D) Define application properties 35 / 45 35) How do you enable internationalization (i18n) in Spring Boot? A) Use @EnableInternationalization B) Use MessageSource C) Use @I18N D) Use MessageSource 36 / 45 36) What is the purpose of the @ComponentScan annotation in Spring Boot? A) Scans for Spring components B) Scans for Spring components C) Scans for database connections D) Scans for security roles 37 / 45 37) How do you enable asynchronous method execution in Spring Boot? A) Use @EnableAsync B) Use @EnableAsync C) Use @EnableAsyncExecution D) Use @AsyncExecution 38 / 45 38) How do you implement file uploads in Spring Boot? A) Use MultipartFile B) Use @FileUpload C) Use MultipartFile D) Use @RequestUpload 39 / 45 39) What does the @EventListener annotation do in Spring Boot? A) Listens to application events B) Listens to database events C) Listens to HTTP requests D) Listens to application events 40 / 45 40) What is the role of the @RestControllerAdvice annotation? A) Handle HTTP requests B) Customize response formats C) Handle HTTP requests D) Manage transaction rollback 41 / 45 41) What does the Spring Boot Actuator provide? A) Health checks B) Metrics C) All of the above D) Endpoints 42 / 45 42) What does the @ResponseStatus annotation do? A) Manage exceptions B) Define URL mappings C) Handle transactions D) Define URL mappings 43 / 45 43) What does the @Transactional annotation do? A) Marks methods as cacheable B) Handles exceptions C) Manages database transactions D) Enables logging 44 / 45 44) How do you enable CORS in Spring Boot? A) Implement CORSFilter B) Implement CORSFilter C) Use @CorsConfig D) Use @EnableCORS 45 / 45 45) How do you enable SSL in a Spring Boot application? A) Use hard-coded values B) Define application properties C) Enable caching D) Manage user sessions Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More 14Share on WhatsApp10Share on LinkedIn5Share on YouTube9Share on Facebook Comments 0