admin Oct, Wed, 2024 EXAM MYSQL 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! MYSQL Test your MYSQL skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) How do you use the GROUP BY clause with the COUNT() function in MySQL? A) Counts records in groups B) Joins tables C) Sorts results D) Filters data 2 / 45 2) How do you find the current user in MySQL? A) SESSION_USER() B) USER() C) CURRENT_USER D) LAST_USER() 3 / 45 3) How can you increase the size of a VARCHAR column in MySQL? A) MODIFY COLUMN B) CHANGE COLUMN C) RESIZE COLUMN D) ALTER TABLE 4 / 45 4) How do you perform a natural join in MySQL? A) Joins tables B) Simplifies join operations C) Alters data structure D) Deletes records 5 / 45 5) What does the TRUNCATE() function do in MySQL? A) Joins tables B) Counts values C) Filters values D) Removes decimals 6 / 45 6) What is the use of the TEMPORARY table in MySQL? A) Shared across sessions B) Session-specific tables C) Visible to all users D) Permanent tables 7 / 45 7) What does the term “data type” refer to in MySQL? A) Defines column data B) Alters table structure C) Joins tables D) Filters data 8 / 45 8) What does the CONVERT() function do in MySQL? A) Formats strings B) Changes data type C) Joins tables D) Filters records 9 / 45 9) What is the purpose of the TRUNCATE command in MySQL? A) Empties table quickly B) Alters table structure C) Deletes records D) Joins tables 10 / 45 10) What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL in MySQL? A) Filters data B) Combines without duplicates C) Counts occurrences D) Joins results 11 / 45 11) Which command is used to export data from a MySQL database? A) EXPORT DATABASE B) SELECT INTO OUTFILE C) EXPORT FILE D) SAVE AS FILE 12 / 45 12) What is the purpose of the LIMIT clause in MySQL? A) Joins tables B) Filters data C) Restricts number of records D) Counts occurrences 13 / 45 13) What does the UNION operator do in MySQL? A) Filters results B) Merges rows C) Combines results D) Joins tables 14 / 45 14) What does the term “row-level locking” mean in MySQL? A) Deletes old records B) Allows multiple transactions C) Improves performance D) Locks entire table 15 / 45 15) What is the purpose of the INSERT IGNORE statement in MySQL? A) Alters data structure B) Prevents errors during insertion C) Deletes records D) Joins tables 16 / 45 16) How do you create a temporary table in MySQL? A) Filters data B) Joins tables C) Stores temporary data D) Deletes data 17 / 45 17) What is the purpose of the DELETE statement in MySQL? A) Updates records B) Joins tables C) Inserts records D) Removes records 18 / 45 18) What does the COALESCE() function do in MySQL? A) Returns null B) Returns last value C) Returns first non-null D) Filters values 19 / 45 19) How do you use the HAVING clause in MySQL? A) Sorts records B) Deletes records C) Filters aggregated results D) Joins multiple tables 20 / 45 20) Which MySQL function is used to concatenate two strings? A) JOIN() B) APPEND() C) CONCAT() D) MERGE() 21 / 45 21) How do you create an index on a column in MySQL? A) CREATE INDEX B) MODIFY INDEX C) ADD INDEX D) REMOVE INDEX 22 / 45 22) What is the purpose of the LIMIT clause with OFFSET in MySQL? A) Filtering B) Grouping C) Pagination D) Sorting 23 / 45 23) What does the RANK() function do in MySQL? A) Aggregates data B) Joins tables C) Filters records D) Assigns ranks to rows 24 / 45 24) What does the GET_LOCK() function do in MySQL? A) Checks lock status B) Releases lock C) Acquires lock D) Counts locks 25 / 45 25) How can you optimize a slow query in MySQL? A) Analyze slow queries B) Delete old records C) Reduce data size D) Increase server power 26 / 45 26) How do you perform a join in MySQL? A) Sorts results B) Combines tables C) Groups records D) Filters data 27 / 45 27) How do you manage user authentication in MySQL? A) Alters table structure B) Joins tables C) Controls user access D) Deletes records 28 / 45 28) What does the IFNULL() function do in MySQL? A) Groups results B) Joins tables C) Returns specified value D) Filters values 29 / 45 29) What is the purpose of the FIND_IN_SET() function in MySQL? A) Identifies position within a list B) Joins multiple tables C) Counts records D) Deletes specific entries 30 / 45 30) How do you find duplicate records in a MySQL table? A) DISTINCT B) JOIN C) COUNT D) GROUP BY and HAVING 31 / 45 31) What does the TRUNCATE TABLE command do in MySQL? A) Resets table B) Removes all rows C) Deletes table D) Empties table 32 / 45 32) What is the purpose of the LIMIT clause in MySQL? A) Controls the output size B) Deletes records C) Alters data structure D) Joins tables 33 / 45 33) What is the purpose of the LIMIT clause in MySQL? A) Controls result set size B) Deletes records C) Filters data D) Joins tables 34 / 45 34) How do you implement data normalization in MySQL? A) Deletes records B) Joins tables C) Reduces data duplication D) Filters data 35 / 45 35) How do you rename a column in MySQL? A) Adds a new column B) Deletes the column C) Joins multiple tables D) Modifies column name 36 / 45 36) How do you implement a foreign key constraint in MySQL? A) Deletes a specific record B) Establishes relationships between tables C) Updates data D) Joins multiple tables 37 / 45 37) How do you perform a full-text search in MySQL? A) Groups results B) Joins tables C) Filters results D) Searches text 38 / 45 38) Which function is used to find the maximum value in a column? A) MAX() B) AVG() C) MIN() D) COUNT() 39 / 45 39) How do you create a backup of a MySQL database? A) Filters data B) Joins tables C) Deletes records D) Creates database backup 40 / 45 40) How do you concatenate two strings in MySQL? A) APPEND() B) JOIN() C) MERGE() D) CONCAT() 41 / 45 41) How do you implement a transaction in MySQL? A) Alters data structure B) Ensures atomicity of operations C) Deletes records D) Joins tables 42 / 45 42) What does the JSON_EXTRACT() function do in MySQL? A) Updates JSON B) Retrieves value from JSON C) Filters records D) Joins tables 43 / 45 43) What is a trigger in MySQL? A) A manual action B) An automatic action C) A function D) A stored procedure 44 / 45 44) How do you implement a view in MySQL? A) Deletes records B) Simplifies data access C) Joins tables D) Alters data structure 45 / 45 45) How do you implement a foreign key constraint in MySQL? A) Deletes records B) Joins tables C) Enforces referential integrity D) Alters data structure Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More 14Share on WhatsApp10Share on LinkedIn5Share on YouTube9Share on Facebook Comments 0