admin Oct, Wed, 2024 EXAM JAVA SPRING BOOT 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! JAVA SPRING BOOT Test your JAVA SPRING BOOT skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) What is the purpose of @Bean in Spring Boot? A) Defines a bean within a configuration class B) Validates input data C) Defines a bean within a configuration class D) Configures database connections 2 / 45 2) How can you read a file in Spring Boot? A) Only through file paths B) By modifying C) By using ResourceLoader or InputStream D) By using ResourceLoader or InputStream 3 / 45 3) How can you implement a custom UserDetailsService in Spring Boot? A) By modifying B) Only through XML configuration C) By implementing the UserDetailsService interface D) By implementing the UserDetailsService interface 4 / 45 4) How can you implement file downloads in Spring Boot? A) Only through XML configuration B) By returning ResponseEntity with file data C) By modifying D) By returning ResponseEntity with file data 5 / 45 5) How do you run a Spring Boot application from the command line? A) mvn run B) java -jar C) java -jar D) gradle build 6 / 45 6) What is the purpose of @Profile? A) Activates beans based on the active profile B) Activates beans based on the active profile C) Validates input data D) Configures database connections 7 / 45 7) How can you implement custom exception handling globally? A) By modifying B) Only through XML configuration C) By using @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler D) By using @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler 8 / 45 8) How can you use Spring Boot with Docker? A) By modifying B) By creating a Dockerfile and building an image C) Only through virtual machines D) By creating a Dockerfile and building an image 9 / 45 9) What is the role of @EnableScheduling? A) Configures database connections B) Activates the processing of @Scheduled annotations C) Validates input data D) Activates the processing of @Scheduled annotations 10 / 45 10) How do you implement a custom health indicator in Spring Boot? A) By modifying B) By implementing HealthIndicator interface C) By implementing HealthIndicator interface D) Only through XML configuration 11 / 45 11) What does @CacheConfig do? A) Validates input data B) Centralizes cache settings for a class C) Configures database connections D) Centralizes cache settings for a class 12 / 45 12) Which annotation is used to create a Spring Boot application? A) @SpringBootApplication B) @SpringBootApplication C) @EnableAutoConfiguration D) @Configuration 13 / 45 13) How do you secure REST APIs in Spring Boot? A) By implementing Spring Security with OAuth2 or JWT B) By modifying C) By implementing Spring Security with OAuth2 or JWT D) Only through XML configuration 14 / 45 14) How can you set up a scheduled task with fixed delay in Spring Boot? A) Only through XML configuration B) By using @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000) C) By using @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000) D) By modifying 15 / 45 15) How do you use @FeignClient in Spring Boot? A) Only through XML configuration B) Declares a Feign client interface for making HTTP requests C) Declares a Feign client interface for making HTTP requests D) By modifying 16 / 45 16) What is the purpose of the file in Spring Boot? A) Configuration settings B) Configuration settings C) Logging settings D) Database settings 17 / 45 17) How can you implement security in Spring Boot? A) Only through XML configuration B) By adding Spring Security dependencies and configuring security settings C) By adding Spring Security dependencies and configuring security settings D) By modifying 18 / 45 18) What is the purpose of @ConditionalOnProperty? A) Registers beans conditionally based on property values B) Configures database connections C) Registers beans conditionally based on property values D) Validates input data 19 / 45 19) Which annotation is used to define a Spring Boot application? A) @SpringBootApplication B) @Component C) @SpringApplication D) @SpringBootApplication 20 / 45 20) What is Spring Boot Actuator used for? A) To create REST APIs B) For logging purposes only C) Exposes operational information about the application D) Exposes operational information about the application 21 / 45 21) What does the @RestController annotation do in Spring Boot? A) @Controller B) @Service C) @RestController D) @RestController 22 / 45 22) What does @Scheduled(cron = “0 0 * * * ?”) do? A) Configures database connections B) Executes a task every hour C) Validates input data D) Executes a task every hour 23 / 45 23) How do you handle CORS in Spring Boot? A) By configuring CORS mappings in WebMvcConfigurer B) By configuring CORS mappings in WebMvcConfigurer C) Only through XML configuration D) By modifying 24 / 45 24) How can you implement message queues in Spring Boot? A) By modifying B) By using RabbitMQ or Kafka dependencies C) Only through XML configuration D) By using RabbitMQ or Kafka dependencies 25 / 45 25) How can you implement logging in a Spring Boot application? A) Only through XML configuration B) By using SLF4J with Logback or Log4j2 C) By using SLF4J with Logback or Log4j2 D) By modifying 26 / 45 26) What is the purpose of @CacheEvict? A) Configures cache eviction for a method B) Configures database connections C) Validates input data D) Configures cache eviction for a method 27 / 45 27) What is the purpose of the file in Spring Boot? A) Configuration settings B) Logging settings C) Configuration settings D) Database settings 28 / 45 28) What does @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) do? A) Validates input data B) Configures database connections C) Indicates the resource has been created successfully D) Indicates the resource has been created successfully 29 / 45 29) How can you implement JWT authentication in Spring Boot? A) By creating filters and configuring security settings B) By creating filters and configuring security settings C) Only through XML configuration D) By modifying 30 / 45 30) Which of the following is a Spring Boot feature? A) Manual configuration B) Auto-configuration C) Auto-configuration D) Manual bootstrapping 31 / 45 31) What is the role of @ComponentScan? A) Configures component scanning in the application B) Configures component scanning in the application C) Validates input data D) Configures database connections 32 / 45 32) Which of the following is a Spring Boot feature? A) Auto-configuration B) Manual bootstrapping C) Manual configuration D) Auto-configuration 33 / 45 33) How can you implement monitoring for a Spring Boot application? A) By using Actuator endpoints for metrics B) Only through XML configuration C) By using Actuator endpoints for metrics D) By modifying 34 / 45 34) How do you configure Spring Boot to serve static content? A) By placing static files in src/main/resources/static B) By placing static files in src/main/resources/static C) Only through XML configuration D) By modifying 35 / 45 35) Which annotation is used to define a Spring Boot application? A) @SpringApplication B) @SpringBootApplication C) @SpringBootApplication D) @Component 36 / 45 36) How do you handle sensitive data in Spring Boot applications? A) Only through XML configuration B) By using Spring Security and encryption techniques C) By modifying D) By using Spring Security and encryption techniques 37 / 45 37) What does @Scheduled(fixedRate) do? A) Configures tasks to run at a specified interval B) Configures tasks to run at a specified interval C) Configures database connections D) Validates input data 38 / 45 38) What is the purpose of @Bean? A) Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by Spring B) Configures database connections C) Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by Spring D) Validates input data 39 / 45 39) How can you implement internationalization (i18n) in a Spring Boot application? A) Only through XML configuration B) By configuring message sources and resource bundles C) By configuring message sources and resource bundles D) By modifying 40 / 45 40) What is the role of @EnableWebMvc? A) Activates MVC features for web applications B) Validates input data C) Activates MVC features for web applications D) Configures database connections 41 / 45 41) What does @EnableCaching do? A) Configures database connections B) Activates cache management features C) Activates cache management features D) Validates input data 42 / 45 42) What is the purpose of @Value annotation? A) Binds configuration properties to fields B) Configures bean scopes C) Binds configuration properties to fields D) Validates input data 43 / 45 43) What does @Scheduled(fixedDelay) do? A) Configures tasks to run after a delay from the last execution B) Configures tasks to run after a delay from the last execution C) Validates input data D) Configures database connections 44 / 45 44) What does the @RestController annotation do in Spring Boot? A) @Service B) @Controller C) @RestController D) @RestController 45 / 45 45) What does @EnableScheduling do? A) Activates scheduling support in the application B) By modifying C) Activates scheduling support in the application D) Only through XML configuration Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More 16Share on WhatsApp10Share on LinkedIn5Share on YouTube9Share on Facebook Comments 0