admin Oct, Wed, 2024 EXAM MYSQL 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! MYSQL Test your MYSQL skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) How do you change a column’s data type in MySQL? A) Joins tables B) Alters data type C) Filters data D) Removes data type 2 / 45 2) What is the purpose of the LIKE operator in MySQL? A) Group matching B) Fuzzy matching C) Pattern matching D) Exact matching 3 / 45 3) What is the role of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA in MySQL? A) Accesses database metadata B) Stores data C) Filters data D) Modifies structure 4 / 45 4) How do you find the count of records in a MySQL table? A) Counts records B) MINIMUM C) AVERAGE D) SUM 5 / 45 5) What does the term “referential integrity” mean in MySQL? A) Maintains valid relationships B) Deletes records C) Alters data structure D) Joins tables 6 / 45 6) How do you optimize a slow query in MySQL? A) Alters data structure B) Deletes records C) Joins tables D) Improves query performance 7 / 45 7) What is the purpose of the JOIN clause in MySQL? A) Combines rows B) Groups records C) Filters data D) Sorts results 8 / 45 8) How do you add a foreign key constraint in MySQL? A) Establishes a link B) Alters structure C) Joins tables D) Deletes records 9 / 45 9) What is the purpose of the NOW() function in MySQL? A) Calculates time differences B) Retrieves the current timestamp C) Formats date output D) Retrieves the current date 10 / 45 10) How do you implement user privileges in MySQL? A) Deletes records B) Alters table structure C) Joins tables D) Controls user access 11 / 45 11) What does the term “data model” refer to in MySQL? A) Alters table structure B) Structures data organization C) Joins tables D) Deletes records 12 / 45 12) What does the term “denormalization” refer to in MySQL? A) Filters data B) Deletes records C) Joins tables D) Improves read performance 13 / 45 13) How do you retrieve the first N records from a table in MySQL? A) FETCH FIRST B) SELECT with LIMIT C) GET FIRST D) SELECT TOP 14 / 45 14) What does the TIMESTAMP data type do in MySQL? A) Stores date only B) Stores time only C) Stores as string D) Stores date and time 15 / 45 15) How do you create a view in MySQL? A) ADD VIEW B) MODIFY VIEW C) DROP VIEW D) CREATE VIEW 16 / 45 16) How can you retrieve the number of rows affected by the last query in MySQL? A) Joins tables B) Counts total rows C) Retrieves affected rows D) Filters records 17 / 45 17) What does the FORMAT function do in MySQL? A) Formats numbers B) Averages numbers C) Counts values D) Rounds numbers 18 / 45 18) What is the purpose of the IFNULL function in MySQL? A) Handles NULL values B) Alters data structure C) Deletes records D) Joins tables 19 / 45 19) What does the term “denormalization” mean in MySQL? A) Alters data structure B) Optimizes read performance C) Joins tables D) Deletes records 20 / 45 20) What is the purpose of the LIMIT clause? A) Limits results B) Groups results C) Sorts results D) Joins tables 21 / 45 21) What is the purpose of the BETWEEN operator in MySQL? A) Groups records B) Joins tables C) Sorts results D) Filters range 22 / 45 22) What is the purpose of the LOAD DATA INFILE command in MySQL? A) Deletes records B) Filters data C) Imports data efficiently D) Joins tables 23 / 45 23) What is the purpose of the TRUNCATE command in MySQL? A) Empties table quickly B) Alters table structure C) Deletes records D) Joins tables 24 / 45 24) What is the purpose of the IFNULL function in MySQL? A) Joins values B) Returns alternate value C) Filters values D) Counts values 25 / 45 25) How do you set a primary key in MySQL? A) Groups results B) Sets unique identifier C) Joins tables D) Filters values 26 / 45 26) What is the purpose of the LIMIT clause in MySQL? A) Counts records B) Limits results C) Joins tables D) Filters values 27 / 45 27) How do you update data in a MySQL table? A) Updates records B) Deletes records C) Inserts records D) Joins tables 28 / 45 28) Which MySQL function is used to convert a string to lowercase? A) LOWERCASE() B) TRIM() C) LOWER() D) UPPER() 29 / 45 29) What is the purpose of the HAVING clause in MySQL? A) Joins tables B) Deletes records C) Alters data structure D) Filters aggregated results 30 / 45 30) How do you implement a foreign key in MySQL? A) Joins tables B) Deletes records C) Links tables together D) Alters data structure 31 / 45 31) Which keyword is used to sort the result set in MySQL? A) SORT BY B) SORT C) ORDER BY D) ORDER BY 32 / 45 32) How do you create a composite primary key in MySQL? A) Using multiple columns B) Using unique values C) Single column D) Using foreign keys 33 / 45 33) How do you join two tables in MySQL? A) GROUP B) JOIN C) UNION D) MERGE 34 / 45 34) How do you use the CASE statement in MySQL? A) Alters data structure B) Implements conditional logic C) Joins tables D) Deletes records 35 / 45 35) What does the AS keyword do in MySQL? A) Creates alias B) Filters results C) Joins tables D) Renames table 36 / 45 36) Which function returns the current date in MySQL? A) NOW() B) DATE() C) TODAY() D) CURDATE() 37 / 45 37) How do you use the GROUP_CONCAT function in MySQL? A) Alters data structure B) Deletes records C) Combines group values D) Joins tables 38 / 45 38) How do you manage user authentication in MySQL? A) Alters table structure B) Joins tables C) Controls user access D) Deletes records 39 / 45 39) How do you use the CONCAT function in MySQL? A) Merges multiple strings B) Joins tables C) Deletes records D) Alters data structure 40 / 45 40) How do you implement a cascading delete in MySQL? A) Joins tables B) Filters data C) Deletes records D) Maintains referential integrity 41 / 45 41) How do you implement a cross join in MySQL? A) Deletes records B) Combines all records C) Alters data structure D) Joins tables 42 / 45 42) How do you retrieve distinct values from a column in MySQL? A) Retrieves unique values B) Counts duplicates C) Joins tables D) Filters data 43 / 45 43) What is the purpose of the LOAD DATA INFILE statement in MySQL? A) Alters data structure B) Joins tables C) Facilitates efficient data import D) Deletes records 44 / 45 44) How do you check the status of a MySQL server? A) Shows server version B) Shows server status C) Joins tables D) Filters data 45 / 45 45) How do you retrieve unique values from a column in MySQL? A) JOIN B) UNIQUE C) DISTINCT D) FILTER Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Wed, 2024 EXAM JAVA SPRING BOOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! JAVA SPRING BOOT Test your JAVA SPRING BOOT skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) Which annotation is used to define a Spring Boot application? A) @SpringBootApplication B) @SpringBootApplication C) @SpringApplication D) @Component 2 / 45 2) What does @EventListener do? A) Validates input data B) Marks a method as an event listener C) Marks a method as an event listener D) Configures database connections 3 / 45 3) How can you create a REST API versioning strategy? A) By using URI versioning or header versioning B) By using URI versioning or header versioning C) By modifying D) Only through XML configuration 4 / 45 4) What is the role of @Cacheable annotation? A) Configures database connections B) Marks a method whose result should be cached C) Marks a method whose result should be cached D) Validates input data 5 / 45 5) What is the purpose of @Scheduled(cron)? A) Validates input data B) Configures advanced scheduling for tasks C) Configures advanced scheduling for tasks D) Configures database connections 6 / 45 6) What is the purpose of @ConditionalOnProperty? A) Registers beans conditionally based on property values B) Configures database connections C) Registers beans conditionally based on property values D) Validates input data 7 / 45 7) How do you use Spring Cloud Config in a Spring Boot application? A) By modifying B) Only through XML configuration C) By adding Spring Cloud dependencies and configuring a config server D) By adding Spring Cloud dependencies and configuring a config server 8 / 45 8) How can you implement health checks in Spring Boot? A) Only through XML configuration B) By using Actuator endpoints for health checks C) By using Actuator endpoints for health checks D) By modifying 9 / 45 9) Which annotation is used to enable scheduling in Spring Boot? A) @EnableScheduling B) @Scheduled C) @Scheduler D) @EnableScheduling 10 / 45 10) How can you secure REST APIs in Spring Boot? A) By modifying B) By using OAuth2 or JWT for authentication C) Only through XML configuration D) By using OAuth2 or JWT for authentication 11 / 45 11) Which annotation is used to define a Spring Boot application? A) @SpringBootApplication B) @Component C) @SpringApplication D) @SpringBootApplication 12 / 45 12) What does @Transactional(readOnly = true) do? A) Optimizes performance for read operations B) Optimizes performance for read operations C) Validates input data D) Configures database connections 13 / 45 13) Which annotation is used to enable scheduling in Spring Boot? A) @EnableScheduling B) @EnableScheduling C) @Scheduler D) @Scheduled 14 / 45 14) How can you implement rate limiting in a Spring Boot application? A) By modifying B) By using Spring Cloud Gateway or custom filters C) Only through XML configuration D) By using Spring Cloud Gateway or custom filters 15 / 45 15) How do you run a Spring Boot application from the command line? A) java -jar B) mvn run C) java -jar D) gradle build 16 / 45 16) How can you implement Circuit Breaker pattern in Spring Boot? A) By modifying B) By using Resilience4j or Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker C) By using Resilience4j or Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker D) Only through XML configuration 17 / 45 17) How can you create a custom filter in Spring Boot? A) By implementing Filter interface B) Only through XML configuration C) By modifying D) By implementing Filter interface 18 / 45 18) What does @Scheduled(fixedRate) do? A) Configures tasks to run at a specified interval B) Configures tasks to run at a specified interval C) Configures database connections D) Validates input data 19 / 45 19) What is the role of the @ComponentScan annotation? A) Initializes Spring beans B) Scans for components in specified packages C) Configures database connections D) Scans for components in specified packages 20 / 45 20) How do you configure Spring Boot to use Thymeleaf? A) By adding Thymeleaf dependency B) By modifying C) By adding Thymeleaf dependency D) Using XML configuration 21 / 45 21) What is the purpose of @Bean? A) Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by Spring B) Configures database connections C) Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by Spring D) Validates input data 22 / 45 22) Which of the following is a Spring Boot feature? A) Manual configuration B) Auto-configuration C) Manual bootstrapping D) Auto-configuration 23 / 45 23) What is the purpose of @ResponseStatus? A) Marks a method or exception with a status code B) Validates input data C) Configures database connections D) Marks a method or exception with a status code 24 / 45 24) How can you implement rate limiting in Spring Boot? A) By using filters or interceptors B) Only through XML configuration C) By using filters or interceptors D) By modifying 25 / 45 25) What does the @SpringBootApplication annotation do in Spring Boot? A) Combines @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan B) Combines @Configuration and @EnableAutoConfiguration C) Combines @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan D) Combines @ComponentScan and @Configuration 26 / 45 26) What does @Profile do? A) Validates input data B) Configures database connections C) Conditionally registers beans based on profiles D) Conditionally registers beans based on profiles 27 / 45 27) How can you implement custom validation in Spring Boot? A) By creating custom validators implementing ConstraintValidator B) Only through XML configuration C) By creating custom validators implementing ConstraintValidator D) By modifying 28 / 45 28) How can you implement a custom Spring Boot starter? A) By creating a new module with dependencies and auto-configuration B) By creating a new module with dependencies and auto-configuration C) Only through XML configuration D) By modifying 29 / 45 29) What does @Autowired do? A) Configures database connections B) Validates input data C) Autowires dependencies in Spring beans D) Autowires dependencies in Spring beans 30 / 45 30) What does @CacheEvict do? A) Evicts specific cache entries or entire cache B) Configures database connections C) Validates input data D) Evicts specific cache entries or entire cache 31 / 45 31) How can you integrate Spring Boot with Swagger? A) By modifying B) By adding Swagger dependencies and configuring Docket C) By adding Swagger dependencies and configuring Docket D) Only through XML configuration 32 / 45 32) How do you implement a custom exception in Spring Boot? A) By extending RuntimeException and annotating with @ResponseStatus B) By extending RuntimeException and annotating with @ResponseStatus C) Only through XML configuration D) By modifying 33 / 45 33) What is the purpose of @RequestMapping? A) Configures database connections B) Configures routing for controllers C) Validates input data D) Configures routing for controllers 34 / 45 34) What is the purpose of @PostMapping? A) Validates input data B) Configures database connections C) Maps POST requests to methods D) Maps POST requests to methods 35 / 45 35) What does @EnableFeignClients do? A) Configures database connections B) Validates input data C) Activates declarative REST client capabilities D) Activates declarative REST client capabilities 36 / 45 36) How do you enable CORS in Spring Boot? A) By using @CrossOrigin annotation or global configuration B) By modifying C) Only through XML configuration D) By using @CrossOrigin annotation or global configuration 37 / 45 37) Which annotation is used to enable scheduling in Spring Boot? A) @EnableScheduling B) @Scheduler C) @EnableScheduling D) @Scheduled 38 / 45 38) How do you implement custom converters in Spring Boot? A) By implementing Converter interface and registering it B) Only through XML configuration C) By implementing Converter interface and registering it D) By modifying 39 / 45 39) How do you enable automatic configuration in Spring Boot? A) By using @SpringBootApplication annotation B) By using @SpringBootApplication annotation C) Only through XML configuration D) By modifying 40 / 45 40) How do you run a Spring Boot application from the command line? A) java -jar B) java -jar C) gradle build D) mvn run 41 / 45 41) Which of the following is a valid way to handle exceptions in Spring Boot? A) @ExceptionHandler B) @RestControllerAdvice C) GlobalException D) @ExceptionHandler 42 / 45 42) What does @Valid do? A) Configures headers B) Validates input data C) Ensures that input data meets specified constraints D) Ensures that input data meets specified constraints 43 / 45 43) How do you configure a multi-module Spring Boot application? A) By creating separate modules with their own configuration files B) By creating separate modules with their own configuration files C) Only through XML configuration D) By modifying 44 / 45 44) How do you specify the default port for a Spring Boot application? A) server.port B) app.port C) server.port D) server.default.port 45 / 45 45) What does the @RestController annotation do in Spring Boot? A) @RestController B) @RestController C) @Service D) @Controller Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Wed, 2024 EXAM JAVA FULL STACK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! JAVA FULL STACK Test your JAVA FULL STACK skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) What is the role of the @Value annotation? A) Configure database settings B) Read from environment variables C) Bind JSON fields D) Define application properties 2 / 45 2) What is Spring Data REST used for? A) Enables caching B) Configures session management C) Marks service classes D) Defines data binding 3 / 45 3) What does the @Transactional annotation do? A) Enable logging B) Handle HTTP responses C) Handle HTTP responses D) Define caching strategies 4 / 45 4) How do you configure a datasource in Spring Boot? A) Use hard-coded values B) Handle exceptions C) Manage user sessions D) Enable caching 5 / 45 5) How can you expose a REST API in a Spring Boot application? A) Mark methods with annotations B) Define application properties C) Use hard-coded values D) Enable caching 6 / 45 6) How can you prevent CSRF attacks in Spring Boot applications? A) Use HTTPS B) Define user roles C) Define user roles D) Implement OAuth 7 / 45 7) How can you configure logging in a Spring Boot application? A) Define application properties B) Manage user sessions C) Use hard-coded values D) Enable caching 8 / 45 8) How can you use Swagger in Spring Boot for API documentation? A) Handle exceptions B) Use hard-coded values C) Enable caching D) Manage user sessions 9 / 45 9) What is the role of @RequestBody in Spring Boot? A) Binds body content B) Binds URL parameters C) Binds body content D) Binds form data 10 / 45 10) What is the default port for a Spring Boot application? A) 8000 B) 8080 C) 8080 D) 8888 11 / 45 11) What is Spring Boot DevTools? A) A testing framework B) A UI framework C) A deployment tool D) A database library 12 / 45 12) How do you configure custom banners in Spring Boot? A) Use @EnableBanner B) Use @BannerConfig C) Add a banner.txt in resources D) Add a banner.txt in resources 13 / 45 13) Which annotation is used to mark a method as a scheduled task? A) @Scheduled B) @Scheduled C) @EnableScheduling D) @Async 14 / 45 14) How do you enable caching in Spring Boot? A) Use @EnableCaching B) Use @CacheConfig C) Use @Caching D) Use @EnableCaching 15 / 45 15) How do you access application properties in Spring Boot? A) Defines data binding B) Enables caching C) Configures session management D) Marks methods for caching 16 / 45 16) How do you create a Spring Boot application with Spring Initializr? A) Use Spring Initializr website B) Use @SpringBootCreator C) Use Spring Initializr website D) Use @ProjectGenerator 17 / 45 17) How can you handle exceptions globally in a Spring Boot application? A) Enable caching B) Configure response filters C) Use hard-coded values D) Define application properties 18 / 45 18) Which of the following is a valid Spring Boot starter for security? A) spring-boot-starter-ldap B) spring-boot-starter-security C) spring-boot-starter-web D) spring-boot-starter-security 19 / 45 19) What is the role of the @Primary annotation in Spring? A) Handle data processing B) Manage transaction rollback C) Enable caching D) Define response formats 20 / 45 20) What is the purpose of the @Value annotation? A) Bind external configuration B) Inject environment variables C) Set default values D) Bind external configuration 21 / 45 21) How can you perform validation in Spring Boot? A) Define URL mappings B) Use custom exception handlers C) Manage transactions D) Handle file uploads 22 / 45 22) How do you enable Spring Security in a Spring Boot application? A) @EnableSpringSecurity B) @EnableWebSecurity C) @EnableWebSecurity D) @EnableSecurity 23 / 45 23) How can you exclude specific auto-configuration in Spring Boot? A) Modify application.yml B) Use @EnableAutoConfiguration C) Add a dependency D) Create a configuration class 24 / 45 24) How do you configure multipart file upload size limits in Spring Boot? A) Configure spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size B) Configure spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size C) Use @EnableFileSizeLimit D) Use @FileUploadLimit 25 / 45 25) How do you enable CORS in a Spring Boot application? A) Manage user sessions B) Define application properties C) Use hard-coded values D) Enable caching 26 / 45 26) How do you expose database metrics in Spring Boot using Actuator? A) Use @DatabaseMetrics B) Use @EnableDatabaseMetrics C) Use Spring Boot Actuator D) Use Spring Boot Actuator 27 / 45 27) How do you prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks in Spring Boot? A) Use Spring Security filters B) Use @EnableXSSPrevention C) Use Spring Security filters D) Use @XSSPrevention 28 / 45 28) What is the purpose of @RequestMapping annotation in Spring? A) Enable logging B) Handle transactions C) Manage user sessions D) Define application properties 29 / 45 29) How do you load environment variables in Spring Boot? A) Use @EnvConfig B) Use @Value C) Use @Value D) Use @Environment 30 / 45 30) What is the purpose of @Autowired annotation? A) Handle exceptions B) Enable logging C) Define application properties D) Manage user sessions 31 / 45 31) What does @CrossOrigin do in Spring Boot? A) Enable logging B) Manage user sessions C) Define application properties D) Handle exceptions 32 / 45 32) How do you map a PATCH request in Spring Boot? A) Use @PatchRequest B) Use @PatchMapping C) Use @PatchMapping D) Use @ModifyMapping 33 / 45 33) What is the use of the @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot? A) Manages transactions B) Defines service classes C) Enables component scanning D) Injects dependencies 34 / 45 34) What does the @Transactional annotation do? A) Rollback on exceptions B) Rollback on exceptions C) Manage session scope D) Handle multiple requests 35 / 45 35) What is the purpose of the @Bean annotation? A) Handle user authentication B) Define a REST endpoint C) Configure a database connection D) Handle user authentication 36 / 45 36) How do you externalize configuration in Spring Boot? A) Use @ExternalProperty B) Use C) Use @ExternalConfig D) Use 37 / 45 37) How do you implement file upload functionality in Spring Boot? A) Use MultipartFile B) Use MultipartFile C) Use @FileUploadConfig D) Use @FileUpload 38 / 45 38) How do you add actuator custom endpoints in Spring Boot? A) Use @CustomEndpoint B) Implement Endpoint interface C) Implement Endpoint interface D) Configure actuator-endpoints.yml 39 / 45 39) What is the purpose of the @EnableScheduling annotation? A) Configure cron jobs B) Manage background jobs C) Define scheduled tasks D) Enable task execution 40 / 45 40) How do you enable CORS in Spring Boot? A) Implement CORSFilter B) Implement CORSFilter C) Use @CorsConfig D) Use @EnableCORS 41 / 45 41) What is the main advantage of using Spring Boot over Spring? A) Faster deployment B) Automatic configuration C) Provides more libraries D) Automatic configuration 42 / 45 42) What is the purpose of Spring Boot’s @Bean annotation? A) Declare a managed bean B) Configure a service C) Declare a managed bean D) Define a repository 43 / 45 43) How can you use @Cacheable in a Spring Boot application? A) Define API responses B) Define API responses C) Manage user sessions D) Enable transactions 44 / 45 44) How do you configure Spring Security roles? A) Use hard-coded values B) Enable caching C) Manage user sessions D) Define application properties 45 / 45 45) How can you customize error responses in Spring Boot? A) Use @ControllerAdvice B) Use @ControllerAdvice C) Implement ErrorFilter D) Use ResponseErrorHandler Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Wed, 2024 EXAM PYTHON FULL STACK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! PYTHON FULL STACK Test your PYTHON FULL STACK skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) What is the output of print(‘Hello’.replace(‘l’, ‘p’))? A) Helpo B) Heppo C) Hello D) Heppo 2 / 45 2) What is the output of print(2 or 0)? A) 0 B) False C) 2 D) 2 3 / 45 3) How do you create a copy of a dictionary? A) my_dict.copy() B) my_dict.copy() C) my_dict[:] D) dict(my_dict) 4 / 45 4) What is the output of print(type({}))? A) <class 'dict'> B) <class 'dict'> C) <class 'list'> D) <class 'set'> 5 / 45 5) What is the output of print(2 ** 3)? A) 9 B) 8 C) 6 D) 8 6 / 45 6) How do you install a package using pip? A) pip get package_name B) pip install package_name C) install package_name D) pip install package_name 7 / 45 7) How do you create a copy of a list? A) list.copy() B) list.copy() C) copy(list) D) list[:] 8 / 45 8) What is the output of print(“hello”.upper())? A) HELLO B) HELLO C) Hello D) hello 9 / 45 9) What is the output of print(2 ** 3 ** 2)? A) 64 B) 256 C) 9 D) 256 10 / 45 10) How can you remove duplicates from a list? A) list(set(my_list)) B) my_list.remove_duplicates() C) my_list.distinct() D) list(set(my_list)) 11 / 45 11) What is the output of print(sorted([3, 1, 2], reverse=True))? A) Error B) [3, 2, 1] C) [1, 2, 3] D) [3, 2, 1] 12 / 45 12) How do you define a function in Python? A) def my_function(): B) function my_function(): C) my_function(): D) def my_function(): 13 / 45 13) How do you remove duplicates from a list? A) my_list.unique() B) my_list.distinct() C) set(my_list) D) set(my_list) 14 / 45 14) What is the output of print(“Python”.replace(“P”, “J”))? A) Jython B) Error C) Jython D) Python 15 / 45 15) Which of the following is used to style a webpage? A) CSS B) JavaScript C) CSS D) HTML 16 / 45 16) Which function is used to get the current date and time? A) B) now() C) current_time() D) 17 / 45 17) How do you create an empty set in Python? A) new set B) {} C) set() D) set() 18 / 45 18) What does enumerate() function do? A) Filters items in an iterable B) Adds a counter to an iterable C) Combines two lists D) Adds a counter to an iterable 19 / 45 19) How do you create a static method in Python? A) @staticmethod B) method.static() C) @staticmethod D) static def method: 20 / 45 20) What is the output of print(1, 2, 3, sep=”-“)? A) 2003-02-01 00:00:00 B) 123 C) Error D) 2003-02-01 00:00:00 21 / 45 21) What is the output of print(“abc” * 3)? A) abcabcabc B) Error C) abcabcabc D) abcabc 22 / 45 22) How do you find the maximum value in a list? A) my_list.max() B) my_list.maximum() C) max(my_list) D) max(my_list) 23 / 45 23) How do you create a for loop in Python? A) for item: list B) for item in list: C) for (item : list) D) for item in list: 24 / 45 24) Which method is used to get all keys from a Python dictionary? A) keys() B) values() C) get() D) keys() 25 / 45 25) What does the count() method do? A) Finds the index of a value B) Counts occurrences of a value C) Removes a value D) Counts occurrences of a value 26 / 45 26) How do you create a module in Python? A) By creating a .mod file B) By using import keyword C) By creating a .py file D) By creating a .py file 27 / 45 27) What is the output of print([1, 2, 3] + [4, 5])? A) Error B) [1, 2, 3][4, 5] C) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] D) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 28 / 45 28) How do you check the type of a variable? A) type(variable) B) type(variable) C) var.type() D) variable.type() 29 / 45 29) How do you create a lambda function? A) def lambda(x): return x + 1 B) lambda x => x + 1 C) lambda x: x + 1 D) lambda x: x + 1 30 / 45 30) How do you merge two dictionaries in Python? A) my_dict1.merge(my_dict2) B) {**my_dict1, **my_dict2} C) my_dict1.update(my_dict2) D) {**my_dict1, **my_dict2} 31 / 45 31) What is the output of print([1, 2, 3] * 2)? A) [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] B) [2, 4, 6] C) [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] D) [1, 2] 32 / 45 32) Which command is used to run a Flask application? A) python B) flask run C) flask start D) flask run 33 / 45 33) Which of the following is a mutable data type? A) tuple B) list C) str D) list 34 / 45 34) How do you create a tuple in Python? A) () B) [] C) new tuple D) () 35 / 45 35) What is the output of print(3 in [1, 2, 3])? A) True B) False C) Error D) True 36 / 45 36) What does the strip() method do in Python? A) Removes whitespace from both ends B) Converts to uppercase C) Replaces a substring D) Removes whitespace from both ends 37 / 45 37) What is the output of print(5 ** 2)? A) 25 B) 10 C) 25 D) 5 38 / 45 38) What is the use of the __name__ variable in Python? A) To check the version of Python B) To define a function C) To determine if a module is run as a script D) To determine if a module is run as a script 39 / 45 39) What is the output of print(bool(0))? A) False B) Error C) False D) True 40 / 45 40) Which of the following is a Python web framework? A) Django B) All of the above C) Flask D) FastAPI 41 / 45 41) What is the output of print(“a” * 3)? A) aaa B) a a a C) aaa D) Error 42 / 45 42) What method is used to add an element to a list in Python? A) add() B) insert() C) append() D) append() 43 / 45 43) What will print(not True) output? A) True B) False C) False D) 1 44 / 45 44) How do you convert a string to a list? A) my_string.to_list() B) my_string.split() C) Both 1 and 2 D) list(my_string) 45 / 45 45) What is the result of 1 is 1? A) Error B) True C) True D) False Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Tue, 2024 EXAM DEEP LEARNING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! DEEP LEARNING Test your DEEP LEARNING skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) What is the role of the output layer in a neural network? A) Normalizes inputs B) Adjusts weights C) Reduces dimensions D) Generates final output 2 / 45 2) What is the purpose of using dropout layers? A) Increases epochs B) Reduces data complexity C) Optimizes weights D) Prevents overfitting 3 / 45 3) What is a common application of deep learning in healthcare? A) Patient monitoring B) Drug discovery C) Medical image analysis D) Treatment planning 4 / 45 4) What is a common application of deep learning in natural language processing (NLP)? A) Regression tasks B) Clustering C) Sentiment analysis D) Image recognition 5 / 45 5) What does “weight decay” refer to in regularization? A) Simplify architecture B) Increase complexity C) Normalize outputs D) Penalty for large weights 6 / 45 6) What does “gradient descent” refer to in training a model? A) Regularization technique B) Optimization algorithm C) Learning rate adjustment D) Normalization method 7 / 45 7) What does “model architecture” refer to in deep learning? A) Structure of the neural network B) Model evaluation C) Learning process D) Data preprocessing 8 / 45 8) What type of neural network is typically used for unsupervised learning? A) Autoencoders B) GANs C) RNNs D) CNNs 9 / 45 9) What is the significance of the loss function in training? A) Measures performance B) Increases accuracy C) Adjusts features D) Simplifies calculations 10 / 45 10) What is the purpose of using a validation dataset? A) Fine-tune model parameters B) Increase complexity C) Simplify architecture D) Adjust weights 11 / 45 11) How does data augmentation help in deep learning? A) Reduces model complexity B) Increases epochs C) Increases training data diversity D) Adjusts weights 12 / 45 12) What is the role of the optimizer in a neural network? A) Reduces training time B) Simplifies calculations C) Increases accuracy D) Adjusts weights 13 / 45 13) What is a common use of “autoencoders”? A) Data generation B) Feature extraction C) Dimensionality reduction D) Image classification 14 / 45 14) What is the primary advantage of using residual connections? A) Increase complexity B) Mitigate vanishing gradients C) Simplify architecture D) Adjust weights 15 / 45 15) What is the purpose of using an ensemble model in deep learning? A) Improve accuracy B) Simplify architecture C) Normalize data D) Reduce training time 16 / 45 16) Which component is essential for training a deep learning model? A) Model architecture B) Unlabeled dataset C) Labeled dataset D) Hyperparameter settings 17 / 45 17) Which optimization method accumulates gradients over mini-batches? A) Fixed learning rates B) Accumulate gradients C) Random learning rates D) Instant weight updates 18 / 45 18) What does the term “gradient descent” refer to? A) Minimize loss function B) Adjust learning rates C) Increase model complexity D) Normalize data 19 / 45 19) What does “gradient descent” help to achieve in deep learning? A) Normalize outputs B) Increase complexity C) Reduce data D) Minimize loss function 20 / 45 20) What does “data augmentation” aim to achieve? A) Normalize data B) Increase training speed C) Reduce dimensions D) Expand training dataset 21 / 45 21) Which of the following is a benefit of using a convolutional neural network (CNN)? A) Increase model complexity B) Adjust weights C) Learn spatial hierarchies D) Simplify architecture 22 / 45 22) What does the term “layer normalization” refer to? A) Normalizes across features B) Reduces dimensions C) Adjusts weights D) Simplifies architecture 23 / 45 23) What is the primary objective of a discriminator in GANs? A) Normalize inputs B) Differentiate real from fake C) Optimize weights D) Generate new data 24 / 45 24) What is the significance of using regularization techniques in deep learning? A) Prevent overfitting B) Reduce data C) Increase training speed D) Normalize outputs 25 / 45 25) What does “early stopping” prevent in deep learning training? A) Normalizes outputs B) Avoids overfitting C) Reduces dimensions D) Increases complexity 26 / 45 26) What does “data preprocessing” achieve in deep learning? A) Prepares raw data B) Reduces dimensions C) Normalizes outputs D) Increases complexity 27 / 45 27) What is the role of the hidden layers in a neural network? A) Adjust weights B) Transform input C) Produce output D) Normalize data 28 / 45 28) What is the role of the output layer in multi-class classification? A) Normalizes inputs B) Reduces dimensions C) Adjusts weights D) Provides class probabilities 29 / 45 29) What is the main purpose of a learning rate scheduler? A) Adjusts learning rate B) Normalizes outputs C) Reduces dimensions D) Increases complexity 30 / 45 30) What is the function of a convolutional layer in a CNN? A) Reduces dimensions B) Produces predictions C) Extracts features D) Normalizes outputs 31 / 45 31) What is the main purpose of the “dropout” technique in deep learning? A) Increase complexity B) Simplify architecture C) Adjust weights D) Prevent overfitting 32 / 45 32) What is the primary characteristic of a convolutional neural network (CNN)? A) Increase dimensions B) Process grid-like data C) Normalize outputs D) Adjust weights 33 / 45 33) What does “multi-task learning” refer to in deep learning? A) Perform multiple tasks B) Simplify architecture C) Adjust weights D) Increase complexity 34 / 45 34) What is the significance of “L2 regularization”? A) Adjust weights B) Discourage complex models C) Simplify architecture D) Increase accuracy 35 / 45 35) What is the primary goal of a “classification model” in deep learning? A) Adjust weights B) Simplify architecture C) Increase complexity D) Assign to predefined classes 36 / 45 36) What is the common use of the ReLU activation function? A) Reduces dimensions B) Normalizes outputs C) Increases training speed D) Introduces non-linearity 37 / 45 37) What is the main purpose of dropout in deep learning? A) Simplify architecture B) Normalize data C) Prevent overfitting D) Increase learning rate 38 / 45 38) What is the main function of an activation function in a neural network? A) Introduces non-linearities B) Increases learning rate C) Simplifies model structure D) Normalizes outputs 39 / 45 39) What is the primary advantage of using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)? A) Generate synthetic data B) Adjust weights C) Simplify architecture D) Normalize inputs 40 / 45 40) Which of the following models is based on the concept of attention? A) RNNs B) GANs C) CNNs D) Transformers 41 / 45 41) Which of the following optimizers is commonly used in deep learning? A) Adagrad B) RMSprop C) SGD D) Adam 42 / 45 42) What does the term “hyperparameter tuning” refer to? A) Increasing epochs B) Reducing features C) Optimizing non-learned parameters D) Adjusting learning rate 43 / 45 43) What does the term “model ensemble” refer to? A) Combine predictions B) Adjust weights C) Increase complexity D) Simplify architecture 44 / 45 44) Which method is commonly used to visualize the training process of a model? A) Seaborn B) TensorBoard C) Plotly D) Matplotlib 45 / 45 45) What does “transfer learning” typically involve? A) Normalizing data B) Adapting pre-trained models C) Simplifying architecture D) Training from scratch Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Tue, 2024 EXAM MACHINE LEARNING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! MACHINE LEARNING Test your MACHINE LEARNING skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) What is “precision” in classification metrics? A) Proportion of true positives B) Increases model complexity C) Enhances data quality D) Measures overall model accuracy 2 / 45 2) What does “K-nearest neighbors” (KNN) rely on for classification? A) Reduces the dimensionality of features B) Selects features based on performance C) Increases regularization strength D) Relies on proximity of neighbors 3 / 45 3) What is a hyperparameter in machine learning? A) A parameter set before training B) A parameter tuned after training C) A value determined by the model D) A value set by the model during training 4 / 45 4) What is “AdaBoost” in ensemble learning? A) Combines weak learners B) Increases feature complexity C) Combines strong learners D) Reduces dimensionality 5 / 45 5) What is the purpose of “gradient descent”? A) Minimize loss function B) Train the model faster C) Increase model complexity D) Normalize input features 6 / 45 6) What does “model ensembling” refer to in machine learning? A) Increase variance B) Combine predictions from multiple models C) Combine predictions from multiple models D) Simplify model complexity 7 / 45 7) What is the purpose of “gradient boosting”? A) Reduces training time B) Combines weak learners C) Simplifies model structure D) Increases feature dimensionality 8 / 45 8) What is the role of “principal component analysis” (PCA)? A) Enhances model interpretability B) Performs feature scaling C) Reduces the dimensionality of the data D) Predicts future trends 9 / 45 9) What does “feature scaling” accomplish? A) Enhances model complexity B) Increases data dimensionality C) Standardizes variable ranges D) Reduces training time 10 / 45 10) What is the main goal of supervised learning? A) To map inputs to known outputs B) To predict future values C) To classify data into categories D) To minimize the loss function 11 / 45 11) What is “stochastic gradient descent” (SGD) used for? A) Reduces overfitting B) Updates model with small batch C) Selects the best model D) Reduces the learning rate 12 / 45 12) What is “random search” in hyperparameter tuning? A) Randomly selects hyperparameters B) Increases model accuracy C) Combines weak learners D) Exhaustively searches hyperparameters 13 / 45 13) What does “AUC-ROC” stand for in model evaluation? A) Accuracy Under the Curve B) Receiver Operating Class C) Area Under the Curve – Receiver Operating Characteristic D) Area Under the Classification 14 / 45 14) What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning? A) Measures accuracy B) Measures loss C) Measures the training time D) Measures the error between predictions and true values 15 / 45 15) What is reinforcement learning? A) Learning through environment interaction B) Learning through rewards and penalties C) Learning without supervision D) Learning with labeled data 16 / 45 16) What is the role of “cross-validation” in model evaluation? A) Optimizes hyperparameters B) Balances class distribution C) Assesses model performance on subsets D) Reduces dimensionality 17 / 45 17) What is the purpose of “word embeddings” in natural language processing? A) Reduces overfitting B) Measures text similarity C) Maps words to vector representations D) Reduces dimensionality 18 / 45 18) What is the significance of “F1 score” in classification? A) Reduces training time B) Simplifies data representation C) Balances precision and recall D) Increases model complexity 19 / 45 19) What is a confusion matrix? A) A parameter set before training B) A parameter tuned after training C) A value determined by the model D) A value set by the model during training 20 / 45 20) What is “gradient descent” used for in machine learning? A) Increases learning rate B) Reduces overfitting C) Reduces dimensionality D) Minimizes loss function 21 / 45 21) What is the “Silhouette Score” in clustering analysis? A) Measures clustering quality B) Combines weak learners C) Increases model complexity D) Reduces dimensionality 22 / 45 22) What is regularization in machine learning? A) PCA B) K-means C) SVM D) Random Forest 23 / 45 23) What is the purpose of data normalization? A) Rescale data to a standard range B) Increase variance C) Remove outliers D) Rescale data to a standard range 24 / 45 24) What is the role of “data preprocessing”? A) Reduces training time B) Simplifies model structure C) Prepares data for analysis D) Increases data dimensionality 25 / 45 25) What does the “learning rate” control in machine learning? A) Amount of regularization B) Step size for parameter updates C) Number of training epochs D) Number of features 26 / 45 26) What is the purpose of a hyperparameter in ML? A) Determine training data B) Tune model performance C) Tune model performance D) Control feature selection 27 / 45 27) What is the role of the validation curve in model evaluation? A) Measure accuracy B) Assess hyperparameter performance C) Assess hyperparameter performance D) Optimize training speed 28 / 45 28) What is the purpose of an outlier detection algorithm? A) Identify anomalous data B) Normalize data C) Identify anomalous data D) Remove noise 29 / 45 29) What is the “support” metric in association rule mining? A) Reduces dimensionality B) Increases model accuracy C) Measures frequency of an itemset D) Measures correlation between items 30 / 45 30) What is the purpose of using decision boundaries in classification? A) Separate different classes B) Minimize error C) Separate different classes D) Maximize accuracy 31 / 45 31) What is the purpose of the Adam optimizer in neural networks? A) Efficient training B) Increase training time C) Simplify model complexity D) Efficient training 32 / 45 32) What is the “R-squared” metric in regression analysis? A) Combines weak learners B) Proportion of variance explained C) Selects the best hyperparameters D) Measures prediction error 33 / 45 33) What does “data visualization” facilitate? A) Simplifies feature selection B) Presents data in graphical format C) Increases data dimensionality D) Enhances model complexity 34 / 45 34) What is the purpose of “ensemble methods” in machine learning? A) Train on smaller datasets B) Increase bias C) Combine multiple models D) Reduce model complexity 35 / 45 35) Which algorithm is primarily used for clustering? A) Linear Regression B) K-means clustering C) Random Forest D) Decision Tree 36 / 45 36) What is the difference between parametric and non-parametric models? A) Specific function form vs flexible B) Specific function form vs flexible C) Require more data D) Increase model complexity 37 / 45 37) What does “model interpretability” refer to? A) Increasing model complexity B) Reducing training time C) Explaining model decisions D) Minimizing overfitting 38 / 45 38) What is the purpose of “decision trees” in machine learning? A) Combines weak learners B) Reduces dimensionality C) Increases generalization ability D) Splits data into decision nodes 39 / 45 39) What is “precision” in classification tasks? A) Ratio of true positives to true negatives B) Ratio of false positives to true positives C) Ratio of true negatives to false positives D) Ratio of true positives to total positives 40 / 45 40) What is a learning rate in the context of gradient descent? A) Increases variance B) Determines weight adjustment C) Determines weight adjustment D) Reduces model bias 41 / 45 41) What is “stochastic gradient descent”? A) Reduces the learning rate B) Updates after each data point C) Updates after the entire dataset D) Updates after each batch of data 42 / 45 42) What is “gradient boosting” in machine learning? A) Reduces overfitting B) Aggregates predictions from multiple models C) Builds sequential models to reduce error D) Reduces the number of features 43 / 45 43) What is “gradient descent”? A) Increases data complexity B) Maximizes accuracy C) Reduces training time D) Minimizes loss function 44 / 45 44) What does the term “bias” refer to in machine learning? A) Average error in predictions B) Variability in model predictions C) Error introduced by a simplistic model D) Error introduced by complex models 45 / 45 45) What is the purpose of the learning rate in neural networks? A) A method to adjust weights B) An algorithm to maximize accuracy C) A method to classify data D) An optimization algorithm to minimize loss Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Tue, 2024 EXAM DATA SCIENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 45 You will be required to answer a total of 45 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! DATA SCIENCE Test your DATA SCIENCE skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 45 1) What is the purpose of ‘LDA’ (Linear Discriminant Analysis)? A) Dimensionality reduction B) Data cleaning C) Feature selection D) Dimensionality reduction 2 / 45 2) What does ‘data transformation’ refer to in data preprocessing? A) Changing data formats B) Data cleaning C) Ignoring outliers D) Changing data formats 3 / 45 3) What is the purpose of ‘feature engineering’ in machine learning? A) Normalize data B) Create new features C) Create new features D) Remove outliers 4 / 45 4) Which algorithm is commonly used for ‘time series forecasting’? A) Decision Trees B) K-Means clustering C) ARIMA D) ARIMA 5 / 45 5) What does ‘T-test’ compare in statistics? A) Means of two groups B) Variances C) Means of two groups D) Medians 6 / 45 6) What is the significance of ‘feature importance’ in models? A) Clean data B) Determine feature contributions C) Determine feature contributions D) Measure noise 7 / 45 7) What does ‘Confusion Matrix’ help assess? A) Feature selection B) Model predictions C) Data cleaning D) Model predictions 8 / 45 8) What is ‘LSTM’ an abbreviation for in neural networks? A) Long Short-Term Memory B) Long Standard-Term Memory C) Low Short-Term Memory D) Long Short-Term Memory 9 / 45 9) Which of the following techniques is used for ‘Text Preprocessing’? A) Tokenization B) Tokenization C) Feature selection D) Data normalization 10 / 45 10) What is ‘Natural Language Processing’ primarily concerned with? A) Human language understanding B) Human language understanding C) Model evaluation D) Data cleaning 11 / 45 11) What is the primary advantage of using random forests? A) Reduces overfitting B) Reduces overfitting C) Slower performance D) Increases bias 12 / 45 12) What is ‘Support Vector Machine’ primarily used for? A) Classification B) Clustering C) Classification D) Regression 13 / 45 13) What is the purpose of the p-value in hypothesis testing? A) Measure evidence against the null hypothesis B) Validate features C) Assess accuracy D) Measure evidence against the null hypothesis 14 / 45 14) Which of the following is an example of a ‘non-linear’ model? A) Neural Networks B) K-Means clustering C) Linear Regression D) Neural Networks 15 / 45 15) What does ‘PCA’ stand for in data science? A) Principal Component Analysis B) Data Cleaning C) Principal Component Analysis D) Predictive Modeling 16 / 45 16) What is the primary role of ‘data wrangling’? A) Transforming raw data into a usable format B) Data analysis C) Transforming raw data into a usable format D) Data visualization 17 / 45 17) What is the purpose of ‘Statistical Sampling’? A) Feature selection B) Select representative samples C) Data cleaning D) Select representative samples 18 / 45 18) What does the term ‘data leakage’ refer to? A) Using future data in training B) Ignoring outliers C) Using future data in training D) Imputation 19 / 45 19) What is the significance of ‘data storytelling’? A) Data profiling B) Communicate insights effectively C) Communicate insights effectively D) Data cleaning 20 / 45 20) Which of the following is an application of ‘Dimensionality Reduction’? A) Data cleaning B) Visualization C) Visualization D) Outlier detection 21 / 45 21) What is the purpose of ‘Model Interpretability’? A) Feature selection B) Data cleaning C) Explain model predictions D) Explain model predictions 22 / 45 22) What is the purpose of ‘Anomaly Detection’? A) Improve accuracy B) Identify rare events C) Identify rare events D) Clean data 23 / 45 23) What does ‘Cross-Validation’ help with in model evaluation? A) Feature selection B) Data cleaning C) Assess model performance D) Assess model performance 24 / 45 24) What is the role of ‘Bias-Variance Tradeoff’ in model evaluation? A) Balance model complexity B) Clean data C) Balance model complexity D) Feature selection 25 / 45 25) What does the term ‘ensemble method’ refer to? A) Combining multiple models B) Cleaning data C) Using a single model D) Combining multiple models 26 / 45 26) What is the purpose of ‘resampling’ in statistics? A) Estimate the distribution of a statistic B) Estimate the distribution of a statistic C) Clean data D) Validate models 27 / 45 27) What is ‘Anomaly Detection’ primarily used for? A) Improve accuracy B) Identify rare events C) Identify rare events D) Predict trends 28 / 45 28) Which method is effective for ‘outlier detection’? A) Linear Regression B) Isolation Forest C) K-Means D) Isolation Forest 29 / 45 29) What is the primary use of ‘bagging’ in ensemble methods? A) Optimize features B) Reduce variance C) Reduce variance D) Increase bias 30 / 45 30) What does the term ‘feature engineering’ refer to? A) Creating features B) Collecting data C) Creating features D) Data cleaning 31 / 45 31) What is ‘Deep Reinforcement Learning’ primarily focused on? A) Learning optimal policies B) Data validation C) Feature selection D) Learning optimal policies 32 / 45 32) What is the primary use of ‘Random Forest’? A) Ensemble learning B) Data cleaning C) Ensemble learning D) Feature selection 33 / 45 33) What does the term ‘training loss’ refer to in neural networks? A) Error on validation data B) Error on training data C) Test error D) Error on training data 34 / 45 34) What does the term ‘kernel’ refer to in SVM? A) Function to transform data B) A type of model C) An optimization algorithm D) Function to transform data 35 / 45 35) What is ‘Dimensionality Curse’ in data science? A) Difficulty in analysis with high dimensions B) Overfitting C) Difficulty in analysis with high dimensions D) Feature extraction 36 / 45 36) Which of the following is an example of a continuous variable? A) Zip code B) Gender C) Temperature D) Temperature 37 / 45 37) Which of the following techniques is commonly used for dimensionality reduction? A) K-Means B) Decision Trees C) PCA D) PCA 38 / 45 38) What is the role of ‘Hyperparameters’ in machine learning? A) Control model behavior B) Data cleaning C) Control model behavior D) Feature selection 39 / 45 39) What is the role of ‘Precision’ in classification tasks? A) True positive rate B) Feature selection C) True positive rate D) Data cleaning 40 / 45 40) What is the main goal of ‘Feature Selection’? A) Improve interpretability B) Increase accuracy C) Reduce dimensionality D) Reduce dimensionality 41 / 45 41) What is the main benefit of using ‘gradient descent’? A) Clean data B) Validate models C) Optimize model parameters D) Optimize model parameters 42 / 45 42) Which of the following algorithms is used for natural language processing? A) Recurrent Neural Networks B) Recurrent Neural Networks C) K-Means D) Support Vector Machines 43 / 45 43) What is the aim of ‘Text Mining’? A) Extract information from text B) Extract information from text C) Clean data D) Feature selection 44 / 45 44) What is the purpose of the activation function in a neural network? A) Increase dimensionality B) Introduce non-linearity C) Reduce bias D) Introduce non-linearity 45 / 45 45) Which of the following is NOT a type of ‘Data Preprocessing’? A) Data collection B) Feature scaling C) Data encoding D) Data collection Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Fri, 2024 EXAM HTML PROGRAMMING EXAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 30 You will be required to answer a total of 30 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! HTML PROGRAMMING EXAM Test your HTML skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 30 1) How do you ensure backward compatibility for HTML5 features in older browsers? A) Use <iframe> tags B) Use polyfills and shims C) Use CSS workarounds D) Use JavaScript alternatives 2 / 30 2) How can you make a numbered list in HTML? A) <ul> B) <ol> C) <li> D) <list> 3 / 30 3) How do you create an accessible navigation menu using HTML5? A) Use only <div> for structure B) Avoid labels for navigation C) Limit keyboard navigation D) Set styles only 4 / 30 4) How do you implement a responsive navigation menu in HTML5? A) Limit to desktop view only B) Avoid using navigation menus C) Set fixed widths for all items D) Control with CSS only 5 / 30 5) What is the role of the preload attribute in the and tags? A) Limits media playback B) Sets media visibility C) Controls streaming quality D) Defines file formats 6 / 30 6) How do you add a title to your HTML document? A) <header> B) <title> C) <meta> D) <head> 7 / 30 7) What is the function of the element in HTML5? A) Hides content entirely B) Sets fixed sizes C) Requires external libraries D) Limits dialog usage 8 / 30 8) What does the autoplay attribute do in HTML5 video/audio elements? A) Plays media automatically B) Loops the media C) Mutes the media D) Adds captions 9 / 30 9) What does the download attribute do in an anchor tag? A) Limits to specific file types B) Controls link visibility C) Hides content from view D) Enhances styling 10 / 30 10) How can you implement custom data attributes in HTML5? A) Use id attributes only B) Define attributes in CSS C) Set attributes in JavaScript only D) Use meta tags 11 / 30 11) How do you create an accessible image map in HTML5? A) Use only CSS for styling B) Set fixed dimensions for images C) Avoid using image maps D) Embed in <div> 12 / 30 12) How can you use the meta tag to improve SEO? A) Increases page load speed B) Validates HTML content C) Manages user sessions D) Sets cookie attributes 13 / 30 13) What does the tabindex attribute control in HTML5? A) Controls visibility of elements B) Limits input types C) Sets styles for elements D) Enhances SEO 14 / 30 14) What does HTML stand for? A) HyperText Makeup Language B) HighText Markup Language C) HyperTool Multi Language D) HyperText Markup Language 15 / 30 15) How does the tag handle multiple sources? A) Sets a default video only B) Uses JavaScript for source selection C) Requires a single file D) Embeds external videos only 16 / 30 16) How do you create an HTML5 element? A) Use <div> with CSS B) Use <svg> for graphics C) Use <img> tag D) Implement through JavaScript only 17 / 30 17) What is the correct way to specify a font in HTML? A) font="Arial" B) style="font-family:Arial" C) font-family="Arial" D) text="Arial" 18 / 30 18) What does the xmlns attribute define in HTML5? A) Sets the document encoding B) Specifies the document version C) Controls element visibility D) Enhances styling capabilities 19 / 30 19) What is the correct HTML for creating a text input field? A) <input type="text"> B) <textarea> C) <input type="textbox"> D) <textfield> 20 / 30 20) What does the element do in HTML5? A) Creates a loading spinner B) Displays progress of a task C) Shows form validation errors D) Shows network activity 21 / 30 21) What is the difference between and elements in HTML5? A) Both are semantic B) Both are visual C) <b> denotes importance D) <strong> is for styling 22 / 30 22) How do you implement drag-and-drop functionality in HTML5? A) Rely on CSS for styling B) Limit to mouse interactions only C) Avoid using drag-and-drop D) Control with JavaScript only 23 / 30 23) How can you ensure the accessibility of custom controls in HTML5? A) Avoid custom controls B) Set fixed dimensions C) Use inline JavaScript D) Create static controls 24 / 30 24) How does the picture element help with responsive images and art direction? A) Embeds SVG graphics B) Supports responsive images and art direction C) Preloads media elements D) Optimizes image compression 25 / 30 25) What is the purpose of the fetch API in HTML5? A) Embeds external data B) Makes asynchronous network requests C) Optimizes API performance D) Validates form data 26 / 30 26) What is the purpose of the tag? A) Limits image sizes B) Sets document title C) Defines charset only D) Enhances loading speed 27 / 30 27) How do you ensure images are accessible in HTML5? A) Use role="img" B) Use alt attribute for alternative text C) Add aria-label D) Use <figure> tags 28 / 30 28) How do you create a custom audio player in HTML5? A) Rely on the browser's default player B) Use only CSS for styling C) Set fixed playback rates D) Limit to audio formats 29 / 30 29) What is the function of the element in HTML5? A) Displays loading status B) Shows file uploads only C) Hides data from users D) Formats tasks visually 30 / 30 30) What is the difference between rel=”noopener” and rel=”noreferrer”? A) Both are the same B) noopener blocks access, noreferrer removes referrer C) noopener is deprecated D) noreferrer adds security headers Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Fri, 2024 EXAM CSS PROGRAMMING EXAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 30 You will be required to answer a total of 30 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! CSS PROGRAMMING EXAM Test your CSS skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 30 1) How can you style SVG elements with CSS? A) Style SVG with CSS directly B) Control with JavaScript only C) Avoid using SVG entirely D) Limit to inline styles only 2 / 30 2) What does the z-index property do in CSS? A) Controls stack order of elements B) Sets element size C) Limits visibility D) Controls layout properties 3 / 30 3) How do you create a CSS collapsible panel? A) Use checkboxes for collapsible panels B) Avoid using collapsible designs C) Limit to static content D) Control with JavaScript only 4 / 30 4) How can you create a CSS image gallery with lightbox effect? A) Limit to static galleries B) Control with JavaScript only C) Avoid using galleries D) Use CSS for layout and JS for lightbox 5 / 30 5) What does the justify-content property do in Flexbox? A) Aligns flex items along main axis B) Limits to cross axis C) Control with JavaScript only D) Avoid using flex properties 6 / 30 6) What does the box-shadow property do in CSS? A) Controls layout properties B) Limits to fixed shadows C) Adds shadow effects around elements D) Avoid using shadows 7 / 30 7) How do you create a responsive navigation bar with CSS? A) Use flex/grid for responsive navigation B) Limit to static menus C) Avoid using navigation D) Control with JavaScript only 8 / 30 8) What does the mix-blend-mode property do in CSS? A) Controls blending of element content B) Controls layout properties C) Limits to visibility D) Avoid using blending 9 / 30 9) What is the @keyframes rule used for in CSS? A) Avoid using keyframes B) Defines animation sequence styles C) Control with JavaScript only D) Limits to single states 10 / 30 10) How do you create a CSS overlay for images? A) Limit to hover effects only B) Use absolute positioning for overlay C) Avoid using overlays D) Control with JavaScript only 11 / 30 11) How do you implement CSS Grid Layout? A) Set display: grid; on the container B) Avoid using grid layout C) Limit to inline styles D) Use display: flex; only 12 / 30 12) How do you create a CSS flip card effect? A) Control with JavaScript only B) Limit to hover effects only C) Avoid using flip effects D) Use transforms for flip effect 13 / 30 13) What does the overflow-x property control? A) Controls horizontal overflow behavior B) Controls layout properties C) Hides content D) Limits vertical overflow only 14 / 30 14) What does the float property do in CSS? A) Positions elements left or right B) Controls stacking order C) Limits element visibility D) Hides elements from view 15 / 30 15) How do you create a CSS layout that uses :nth-child() for styling? A) Limits to static styles B) Control with JavaScript only C) Avoid using selectors D) Styles elements based on their order 16 / 30 16) What does the transition-duration property control in CSS? A) Control with JavaScript only B) Sets duration for transitions C) Limits to static transitions D) Avoid using transitions 17 / 30 17) What is the will-change property used for in CSS? A) Optimizes performance for expected changes B) Limits rendering only C) Hides elements D) Controls layout properties 18 / 30 18) How do you create a CSS parallax effect? A) Use different scroll speeds B) Avoid using parallax effects C) Control with JavaScript only D) Limit to static backgrounds 19 / 30 19) What does the position: sticky; property do? A) Sticky position changes on scroll B) Hides elements C) Limits element positioning D) Controls stacking order 20 / 30 20) How do you create a custom scrollbar in CSS? A) Style scrollbars with CSS B) Avoid using custom scrollbars C) Limit to default styles D) Control with JavaScript only 21 / 30 21) What is the purpose of the position: fixed; property in CSS? A) Limits to static positions B) Control with JavaScript only C) Positions element relative to viewport D) Avoid using fixed positioning 22 / 30 22) How can you create a CSS image overlay effect? A) Use pseudo-elements for overlays B) Control with JavaScript only C) Avoid using overlays D) Limit to fixed images 23 / 30 23) What is the @import rule used for in CSS? A) Control with JavaScript only B) Limits to inline styles C) Avoid using imports D) Imports styles from other files 24 / 30 24) How can you apply styles to a specific part of an element using CSS? A) Limit to full elements B) Control with JavaScript only C) Use ::before and ::after D) Avoid using pseudo-elements 25 / 30 25) What is the role of the filter property in CSS? A) Hides elements B) Limits visibility C) Applies graphical effects D) Controls layout properties 26 / 30 26) How can you create a CSS breadcrumb navigation? A) Control with JavaScript only B) Limit to fixed navigation C) Use lists and styles for breadcrumbs D) Avoid using breadcrumbs 27 / 30 27) How can you center text vertically in a flex container? A) Limit to horizontal centering B) Align items with align-items C) Avoid vertical centering D) Control with JavaScript only 28 / 30 28) What is the purpose of the grid-template-areas property in CSS Grid? A) Control with JavaScript only B) Define named areas in grid C) Limits to fixed layouts D) Avoid using grid areas 29 / 30 29) What is the object-position property used for in CSS? A) Controls layout properties B) Positions content within an element C) Avoid using object properties D) Limits to fixed positioning 30 / 30 30) How do you create a CSS keyframe animation? A) Avoid using animations B) Limit to static effects C) Control with JavaScript only D) Defines animation stages with keyframes Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More
admin Oct, Fri, 2024 EXAM JAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Exam Instructions: Total Number of Questions: 30 You will be required to answer a total of 30 multiple-choice questions. Time Limit: 15 minutes for the entire exam Once the time is up, the exam will automatically submit. Passing Criteria: A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam Multiple Attempts: You are allowed to take the exam multiple times. Only your highest score will be considered for certification. Additional Instructions: The exam timer cannot be paused once it begins. Good luck, and feel free to retake the exam to improve your score! JAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM Test your JAVASCRIPT skills with a challenging exam designed to evaluate your knowledge in programming, data structures, and algorithms The certificate will be generated based on the information you provide in the form, so please ensure that all details are entered correctly. NameEmailPhone NumberUniversityCollegeDegreeDepartmentPass Out YearPass Out Year2014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 1 / 30 1) What is a Set in JavaScript? A) Avoid using for duplicates B) Control with objects only C) Limits to arrays D) Stores unique values 2 / 30 2) How do you create a function that accepts a variable number of arguments? A) Control with array methods only B) Accepts variable arguments C) Avoid using rest parameters D) Limits to fixed arguments 3 / 30 3) What is the output of console.log(typeof (function(){}))? A) "object" B) "undefined" C) "NaN" D) "function" 4 / 30 4) How do you create a promise in JavaScript? A) Limits to synchronous operations B) Avoid using promises C) Creates a new promise D) Control with callbacks only 5 / 30 5) What is the purpose of the Object.create() method in JavaScript? A) Control with classes only B) Avoid using create for objects C) Creates an object with a prototype D) Limits to constructor functions 6 / 30 6) How can you implement method chaining in JavaScript? A) Avoid using chaining B) Allows multiple calls on the same object C) Limits to single calls D) Control with external libraries only 7 / 30 7) What is the purpose of the apply() method in JavaScript? A) Control with bind only B) Calls a function with an array C) Limits to call method only D) Avoid using for clarity 8 / 30 8) How do you access a property of an object dynamically in JavaScript? A) Control with object methods only B) Avoid using bracket notation C) Limits to static access D) Accesses properties dynamically 9 / 30 9) What is the purpose of setTimeout() in JavaScript? A) Avoid using for synchronous tasks B) Control with promises only C) Delays function execution D) Limits to interval functions 10 / 30 10) How can you implement memoization in JavaScript? A) Control with loops only B) Avoid using for small data C) Caches function results D) Limits to single calls 11 / 30 11) How can you handle uncaught exceptions in JavaScript? A) Control with try/catch only B) Catches uncaught exceptions C) Avoid using for clarity D) Limits to synchronous errors 12 / 30 12) How do you create a debounce function in JavaScript? A) Control with event listeners only B) Avoid using for frequent events C) Limits function execution D) Limits to throttling only 13 / 30 13) How can you check for deep equality between two objects in JavaScript? A) Checks for deep equality B) Control with manual checks only C) Avoid using direct comparison D) Limits to shallow comparison 14 / 30 14) What does the async/await syntax allow in JavaScript? A) Simplifies asynchronous code B) Limits to callbacks C) Control with promises only D) Avoid using async 15 / 30 15) What is the purpose of the setImmediate() function? A) Executes callback immediately B) Avoid using for clarity C) Control with setTimeout only D) Limits to timeout only 16 / 30 16) What is the purpose of async/await syntax in JavaScript? A) Limits to promise handling only B) Simplifies async code C) Control with regular functions only D) Avoid using for callbacks 17 / 30 17) How do you create a module in JavaScript? A) Control with require only B) Allows module management C) Avoid using for clarity D) Limits to global scope 18 / 30 18) How do you handle asynchronous code in a synchronous-like manner? A) Control with traditional functions only B) Limits to callback handling C) Avoid using for clarity D) Makes async code look synchronous 19 / 30 19) What is the output of console.log(typeof (1 + ‘1’))? A) "undefined" B) "object" C) "number" D) "string" 20 / 30 20) What is the output of console.log([1, 2, 3].concat([4, 5]))? A) [4, 5] B) undefined C) [1, 2, 3] D) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 21 / 30 21) What does === check for in JavaScript? A) Limits to value comparison B) Checks value and type equality C) Avoid using strict equality D) Control with type casting only 22 / 30 22) What does the for…of loop iterate over? A) Control with traditional loops only B) Iterates over values C) Avoid using for complex objects D) Limits to keys only 23 / 30 23) What is the purpose of the Object.assign() method? A) Limits to shallow copying B) Avoid using assign for objects C) Control with constructors only D) Copies properties to a target object 24 / 30 24) What is the purpose of the Array.some() method? A) Checks if at least one element meets a condition B) Limits to all elements C) Avoid using some for checks D) Control with loops only 25 / 30 25) How can you avoid variable hoisting in JavaScript? A) Control with functions only B) Prevents variable hoisting C) Avoid using var D) Limits to function scope 26 / 30 26) What is the purpose of Object.keys() in JavaScript? A) Limits to property values B) Retrieves object keys C) Avoid using for nested objects D) Control with for…in only 27 / 30 27) How do you handle promises in JavaScript? A) Handles promise results B) Avoid using for clarity C) Control with callbacks only D) Limits to synchronous code 28 / 30 28) What is the output of console.log([1, 2] == [1, 2])? A) True B) False C) TypeError D) undefined 29 / 30 29) What does the Symbol type represent in JavaScript? A) Avoid using for non-primitive types B) Limits to string values C) Control with arrays only D) Creates unique identifiers 30 / 30 30) How can you implement memoization in JavaScript? A) Avoid using memoization B) Caches function results C) Limits to static results D) Control with external libraries only Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% ExamWEB DEVELOPMENT EXAM...Read MoreREACT JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MorePYTHON FULL STACK...Read MorePYTHON EXAMS ...Read MoreMYSQL...Read MoreMACHINE LEARNING...Read MoreJAVASCRIPT PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA SPRING BOOT...Read MoreJAVA PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreJAVA FULL STACK...Read MoreHTML PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreDEEP LEARNING...Read MoreDATA SCIENCE...Read MoreCSS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read MoreANGULAR JS PROGRAMMING EXAM...Read More