crime data analysis using r prog

Crime Data Analysis using R Programming

Explore how R programming can be used for in-depth crime data analysis. Learn techniques for data visualization, trend identification, and statistical analysis to gain valuable insights into crime patterns.

three dimensional tagcloud visua

Three Dimensional Tagcloud visualization for tourism

Three Dimensional Tagcloud visualization for tourism

Metadata creation along with growth of social bookmarking emerged an approach named tagging. Often people look for location along with its route and detailed information about its surrounding. Mobile users may opt for current event that is taking place in the current location along with historical background of their surroundings and events that happen over time. They are provided with information on spatial context of location which harvests context information from freely available source and tag cloud visualization is created for this data. Firstly, Geo-referenced data which is close to selected point is gathered. Then gathered information is filtered based on the frequency of words from harvested data. Filtered data is then visualized as tag cloud in R shiny.

Implementation Details:

User Query is passed to google api

Google results are retrieved and stored as data.csv file

data.csv file is visualized as tag cloud

R- Rshiny Demo



Three Dimensional Tagcloud visualization for tourism
students result prediction using

Students Result Prediction using Rshiny and MySQL

Students Result prediction using R and RShiny & MySQL
1. Importing dataset from csv file to MySQL database
2. Open Input form in RShiny and Give record input
3. This input is stored as test.csv file also
4. Naive Bayes Algorithm and Logistic regression are implemented to predict value
5. Accuracy and other plots are arrived

R Demo

Three Dimensional Tagcloud visualization for tourism